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What is the point of labour ?


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A couple of things here. 

First, Tarry. He openly tried to get sacked. Reported in the media that he is being deselected in his seat and is angling to be nominated at a neighbouring seat. Being a "pro union martyr" is his way to do this. He was sacked for a TV interview, not joining the picket line. Others in the shadow cabinet joined and were not sacked. 

Second, strikes are dangerous for Labour. Many in the public don't trust them to deal with strikes. The approach that they support a settlement is right, but they need to attack the government more for not negotiating. 

Finally, Labour demonstrate again their self destructive abilities. Tories tearing themselves apart, and this muppet decides that now is the time to pull this shit. Same happened in 2016 when Cameron resigned. Tories in free fall, a chance for Labour to make an impression and the right of the party triggered an unnecessary leadership contest. I am no Corbyn fan but that was his window and the party shafted him. 

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5 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

A couple of things here. 

First, Tarry. He openly tried to get sacked. Reported in the media that he is being deselected in his seat and is angling to be nominated at a neighbouring seat. Being a "pro union martyr" is his way to do this. He was sacked for a TV interview, not joining the picket line. Others in the shadow cabinet joined and were not sacked. 

Second, strikes are dangerous for Labour. Many in the public don't trust them to deal with strikes. The approach that they support a settlement is right, but they need to attack the government more for not negotiating. 

Finally, Labour demonstrate again their self destructive abilities. Tories tearing themselves apart, and this muppet decides that now is the time to pull this shit. Same happened in 2016 when Cameron resigned. Tories in free fall, a chance for Labour to make an impression and the right of the party triggered an unnecessary leadership contest. I am no Corbyn fan but that was his window and the party shafted him. 

Not much to disagree with here but Starmer has created some rod for his back with a summer full of strikes ahead and a winter that's going to be hellish for so many people. And Rachel Reeves was freestyling policy all weekend and I reckon her job is safe. 

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51 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

A couple of things here. 

First, Tarry. He openly tried to get sacked. Reported in the media that he is being deselected in his seat and is angling to be nominated at a neighbouring seat. 

I read that at the time and did not realise this was the same guy.  The reports I read are not suggesting he is getting deselected but rather he is not getting automatically reselected.

There’s also a suggestion that this is being orchestrated by the party nationally with the local PLP playing along.  The Forde report certainly gives credence to these sort of shenanigans.

Edited by Granny Danger
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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

It’s about time the trade unions stopped funding Labour.

I've been wondering about that for a while. What tangible changes in policy would there be in a Labour party without trade union backing? Someone like Keef must be so conflicted about their involvement.

I suppose eventually the unions are bound to realise that ineffectual opposition in a new minority party isn't massively different to being paid lip service to in a party that is only occasionally an ineffectual government.

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5 hours ago, dirty dingus said:

He even has the built in look ridiculous Tory stance. Fucking charlatan. 20220727_180448.thumb.jpg.b59024aa270158e2b4c4b59de26e648c.jpg

Jesse from the Fast Show on the right there

"This week I have been mostly standing behind Keir Starmer"

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Starmer is a huge Tory. Labour are Tory lite cowards who stand for nothing. Absolute fucking filth, total scum party full of braindead arseholes. 

Utterly unelectable. Even if they somehow win the next general election, so what? What will actually change? Nothing.

I absolutely abhor them. Any time I see folk saying they wish they could vote for them, I think that person is an idiot. Labour as a concept are dead, and have been for a long time.

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27 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Starmer is a huge Tory. Labour are Tory lite cowards who stand for nothing. Absolute fucking filth, total scum party full of braindead arseholes. 

Utterly unelectable. Even if they somehow win the next general election, so what? What will actually change? Nothing.

I absolutely abhor them. Any time I see folk saying they wish they could vote for them, I think that person is an idiot. Labour as a concept are dead, and have been for a long time.

I agree with most of that, particularly about Starmer, but I think there are still many ordinary Labour Party members who are left of centre.  Particularly in England where there is no perceived practical alternative.

I am just astounded that there is not more push back from these people. Probably being morally blackmailed into keeping quiet so not to “help the Tories”.  As a result Starmer is moving Labour further and further to the right.

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54 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I am just astounded that there is not more push back from these people. Probably being morally blackmailed into keeping quiet so not to “help the Tories”.  As a result Starmer is moving Labour further and further to the right.

Labour have to be stealthy to get elected. They have to make people believe they are a competent government in waiting. When in power they can then push through left wing stuff. 

Blair did this (much as y'all hate the guy) - he had loads of left wing stuff he brought in but he didn't shout about them ahead of elections. 

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9 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

They have to make people believe they are a competent government in waiting. When in power they can then push through left wing stuff. 

I hope you're not being serious with that take. If not, it's certainly a cunning plan Baldrick would be proud of. There is absolutely nothing remotely left wing lurking in the current Labour party. They are drifting further to the right with every pronouncement Starmer makes. I'm afraid the Labour party as a party of the "working man" and having left wing policy is long gone. I can see the same thing happening to the Labour main branch as happened here - becoming a total irrelevance. Sad state of affairs but unless there is a concerted campaign by any who still have left wing credentials and stand up against this further drift to the right, they're no more than Tory apologists.

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