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What is the point of labour ?


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9 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

He has a point. Nothing "spooks the markets" more than an economy lacking starving children or women who don't have to relive their rape horror for a few extra quid.

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I’ve posted this previously on a different thread, but I now live in a country that has a tax intake no greater than the UK but which has a first rate public health system, still offers free further and higher education, offers higher state pension at an earlier retirement age and where inflation and energy prices may be higher than before but which are not spiralling out of control.

There are fiscal alternatives to what the UK has suffered over the last 15 years but rather than argue for these alternatives Labour are asking the electorate to buy into to the myth that there is no other way.  It’s a shocking indictment of not just Starmer but all his enablers in the Labour movement.



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7 hours ago, AndyM said:

Much of that was down to the Murdoch/Dacre media painting Corbyn as some sort of enemy of the state/terrorist pal  which of course was bullshit like most of the criticism of Corbyn.

I'm not going to apologise for liking Corbyn's policies, they were good and nationalising Rail and Water are popular with the public. Increasing broadband coverage and speed and making it dirt cheap again was a very good. policy. But Corbyn scared the establishment, he wasn't for sale and had Tory shill's screaming. His attitude to the individual of "If you earn a lot of money pay your taxes towards society and don't complain"  obviously terrified them. That and making companies who operate in the UK actually pay UK tax would have had Dacre soiling himself in rage.

I don’t share Corbyn’s politics, but at least he was authentic and that is incredibly rare in politics.

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5 hours ago, orfc said:

Labour when Starmer took over: 20 points behind the conservatives

Labour now: 20 points ahead of the conservatives

If you oppose SIr Keir, you're a Tory enabler in practice, whatever you claim to be in theory 

Red card that 🙂

And of course you know full well that Starmer's lead is ALL down to the Tories actions. Certainly no enthusiasm for him or Labour.

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As I understand it, and please correct me if I am wrong:

A man has two kids with woman A, two with woman B and two with woman C. He doesn't stay with any of these women or their kids. Assuming these women have no other, older kids, all of his six would receive the benefits. 

A woman has two kids with man A, two with man B and two with man C. She stays with none of the men. Only her two eldest kids would receive benefits. 

Is that correct? 

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6 hours ago, scottsdad said:

As I understand it, and please correct me if I am wrong:

A man has two kids with woman A, two with woman B and two with woman C. He doesn't stay with any of these women or their kids. Assuming these women have no other, older kids, all of his six would receive the benefits. 

A woman has two kids with man A, two with man B and two with man C. She stays with none of the men. Only her two eldest kids would receive benefits. 

Is that correct? 

Thats how I read it - because the woman in each case is the main claimant.

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15 hours ago, orfc said:

People didn't like Corbyn not because of what Murdoch printed but because of what Corbyn said and did

Remember him saying there wasn't any cast iron proof the Russians were responsible for a nerve gas attack, despite them being the only ones who had the substance in question and it targeting a Russian dissenter? 

Even now he's blaming the west for supplying arms to the Ukraine, rather than Russia for actually invading the place. He'd have been great during WW2, hey America, stop sending the UK arms to oppose the Nazis, you're just dragging it out. Very Joseph Kennedy.

Compulsive behaviour just like his inability to turn down an invite to the opening of every Palestinian envelope going. I genuinely don't think he was an anti-Semite but he turned up in photos with a lot of people who definitely were. And carried on doing so even when it was pointed out. 

As barking as his loony brother, and suited only for eternal opposition


Daily Express bot comment.

Since John Major's governance, the city of London and the UK tax evasion system have been vital to the wealth growth and therefore to the consolidation of power of the Russian oligarchy: (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_money_in_London#:~:text=Over £27bn is invested,Viktor Vekselberg and Peter Aven.)

That's the Russian oligarchy of which Putin heads. Even Prigozhin was still opening new money-laundering avenues in London as recently as 2021: (https://www.ft.com/content/3e1b5bc5-090c-434d-84e4-ca2b120cf089).

The last Labour leader Blair infamously went to the opera with Putin, so keen was he to secure UK access to Russian oil. Enormous military support was provided by Blair to Putin for his brutal Chechen war where he no doubt sharpened his instincts for what he's since unleashed upon Ukraine: (https://declassifieduk.org/when-tony-blair-backed-putins-brutal-war/).

To focus on a single statement from an opposition leader in 2018 is absurd when there's 30 years of objective state policy related to Russia and the mountain of harm it did.

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1 hour ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

Not sure what’s so laughable about the idea that the Labour Party should oppose driving children to starvation.

Starmer is a p***k, and better things aren’t possible within the U.K. independence now. 

Tell you what isn't a "hard choice" Keir? Not voting for Labour. 

B b but you'll get the Tories again! 

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Reporting Scotland there trying to push the Labour " we have to be pragmatic" narrative regarding the 2 child cap.

They then follow it up with 3 SNP BAD stories:-

1) A beetroot faced Fergus Ewing spewing his bile about the A9.

2) They invite him to have a second bite at the cherry and he duly obliges by telling the Minister to go.

3) Nae NHS dentists in Dunoon.....bad SNP.

Need tae calm doon....... TV sets are expensive.

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1 hour ago, GTG_03 said:

She really is thick. Don't know who I'll be voting for at the next election but it definitely won't be labour. 

She was in an impossible situation, defending the indispensable. 

Rotten policy

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3 hours ago, scottsdad said:

She was in an impossible situation, defending the indispensable. 

Rotten policy

She really wasn't. She could have just called it out and shown herself to at least have some backbone. She continues to do as she's told instead.

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