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Hope for Independence


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The UK is a political backwater that is only marginally better under a Starmer Labour than it is a Tory government.

Frankly the SNP deserved the kicking that they got, but I find it bizarre that people like yourself w**k yourselves silly at the disdain that will continue to be shown for this country at Westminster. It’s weird behaviour.

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Still under the thumb and being controlled by Westminster thanks to pathetic and weak Scots like yourself who would rather Scotland be a region of England rather than a country.

Have a great day, submissivescotbrits.



Edited by Chripper
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5 hours ago, Mastermind said:

Mastermind here, just checking if we are independent yet? The journey is taking quite some time if not. Have a great day cybernats.

With one result to come.

Scottish Labour: 845,651

Scottish National Party: 708,759

After the SNP have been in power at Holyrood for 17 years, they're still that close to Labour? In a Westminster election? Yeah I wouldn't be getting too excited just yet bud.

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Independence option v London rule still around 50/50 over all age groups .Under  50's shows a marked gap in favour of Indepedence .All to play for in the long run as unionism is basically dying out .

2026 Holyrood election should be based around a de facto referendum on Independence as there is no way out of this so called "equal,fair and voluntary union " in which we are seemingly trapped other than the whim of the larger partner in granting another referendum when it suits them .

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2 hours ago, I Clavdivs said:

Independence option v London rule still around 50/50 over all age groups .Under  50's shows a marked gap in favour of Indepedence .All to play for in the long run as unionism is basically dying out .

This, for me, is the question.

Does the poor SNP performance reflect any downturn in what would be a YES vote?

Or does it reflect a divorce that people are mentally making, between the cause of independence, and the SNP as its vehicle?

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38 minutes ago, LuboMoravcik said:

Independence feels a lot farther away now than it did just a few years ago.


3 hours ago, GordonS said:

With one result to come.

Scottish Labour: 845,651

Scottish National Party: 708,759

After the SNP have been in power at Holyrood for 17 years, they're still that close to Labour? In a Westminster election? Yeah I wouldn't be getting too excited just yet bud.

Also, it's worth remembering that around 30% of labour voters, 15% of Tory voters, 45% of Lib Dem voters all voted in favour on Indy, for balance though, only 97% of SNP voters voted for Indy....somehow! 


Too many people out there thinking that Indy is based on only SNP, it's much bigger than one party, I didn't even mention the Greens, Alba, or the Socialist parties who are all pretty much in favour of Indy too. 


I'd say with the older generation who voted to look after themselves and screw their grandchildren over, they're a dying breed, and the Indy movement is very much in its infancy and yet to flourish, the trouble is that we've had a massive taste of it and have zero patience, it'll happen, we just need to keep paving the way for it, even if us older (53yrs old) generations don't get to see it. 

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51 minutes ago, LuboMoravcik said:

Independence feels a lot farther away now than it did just a few years ago.

I’ve posted this twice on the other thread but feel obliged to post it here in response.

At the 2010 GE the SNP won 6 seats, in 2015 they won 56.

It may well feel further away but so long as we have FPTP this sort of thing can happen again.


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