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New Parliament Predictions

Mark Connolly

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Now that we've put all the scandals, etc of the previous regime behind us, it's time to look forward to the next ones.

And so, P&B, what are your predictions?

Who will be the first new Cabinet minister to be out on their arse?

How long before Farage makes a c**t of himself?

Will Ed Davey continue his cheeky chappy approach by asking Sir Keir some "banter" questions at PMQs?

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We don't know who the new leader of the opposition will be yet, be hilarious if the Tories can find someone as incompetent as the previous few, I'm sure they'll give it a go.

Could be Braverman, then we might get the right wing parties trying to out right wing each other.

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7 minutes ago, eindhovendee said:

We don't know who the new leader of the opposition will be yet, be hilarious if the Tories can find someone as incompetent as the previous few, I'm sure they'll give it a go.

Could be Braverman, then we might get the right wing parties trying to out right wing each other.

Braverman doesn’t want to be leader of the tories. 

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- Tories to either get their shit together pretty quickly, or it takes forever/never

-Massive corruption scandals involving the ruling party and their legion of lobbyist MPs. More people to realise that MPs aren't the public's representatives to the State and business, but the State and businesses representatives to the public.

-Failed Statelet gonna Failed Statelet.

-Crackdowns and flag shagging by everyone.

-maybe a military intervention somewhere.


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Tories to shift further right, now that their most popular/well-known figures are pretty open sadists. There'll be some kind of pact with REFUK eventually - possibly a merger, although quite likely they'll go back to agreeing to step aside for each other depending on who's polling better in each constituency, as it gives the illusion of choice. Absolutely everything is going to be the fault of minority groups, and Labour will be grilled relentlessly about what they're going to do about them. "Human Rights" is going to be an irrationally tainted phrase, which won't help Sirkeef considering his background.

It doesn't really matter what Labour do, if they stick within their imposed parameters. We'll probably see some kind of desperate cross-party bid to keep the fascists out of Downing Street in 2029. It might delay the inevitable a bit longer, but will likely harm everyone involved as they'll be called "undemocratic" by people who find democracy an inconvenience.

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15 hours ago, The Other Foot said:

We’ve been deprived the chance to see Farage and George Galloway in the same debating chamber, so I for one feel cheated and shan’t be watching the new season. 

More generally, it should be interesting watching the 5 Reform MPs and the 6 independents go head to head. 

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2 hours ago, JS_FFC said:

More generally, it should be interesting watching the 5 Reform MPs and the 6 independents go head to head. 

I think it will end up like the post 2003 “Rainbow Parliament” in Scotland, they will all end up fighting like rats in a sack or only getting noticed when they make some foot in mouth comment. I’d be amazed if Reform don’t split in some way in this Parliament.

As for any other predictions, I can only say that whatever happens will back up all my prior beliefs and if they don’t then I’ll just ignore it.

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