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Southport stabbings

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As for the Brexit connection, yes, research shows immigration was a big factor in how many people voted. But they were completely wrong. The EU never had anything to do with migration to the UK from outside the EU and how we handle refugees is governed by international law. This point was made at the time and was easy to find out for those that were interested.

You want me to "recognise the feelings" of people who were wrong and who were never bothered enough to find out?

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Turns out the 'Muslim' who was arrested with a machete heading to the rally that a load of them have been using as justification for attacking the mosque is a bloke called Jordan Davies, who was on the side of the 'protestors'. I'm glad I was sitting down for that shocker. 

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23 minutes ago, GordonS said:

A few things.

First, confirmation bias. Every time there is an awful crime in this country and the identity of the perpetrator is unknown, social media is awash with speculation that they are an immigrant, black or Muslim. When it turns out that the guilty person is white and British the mob just moves on and forgets about it, but every time the guilty person matches their speculation they take it as proof of their prejudices. So the hate goes up but never comes down.

If it turns out this kid in Southport is Christian are they going to attack churches? Were there riots against white middle-aged men after the Dunblane school massacre? When Jake Davidson shot five people in Plymouth three years ago, including a three-year-old girl, were there mobs in the streets? No, because those things aren't attributed to their identity, but when someone from a minority group commits a crime it's held against everyone with that identity.

The idea that migrants cause more violent crime than white people born in the UK is utter bollocks.

It's a massive myth that the UK is a beacon for migrants. Globally, we're not particularly popular for migrants and those who seek to come here generally do so because they have friends or family already here and/ or they speak English. There are 8 countries in the EU that get more asylum applications. For many who come here the connection is that they're from a former British colony. You reap what you sow. 

Like most rich nations, the UK does not take its fair share of refugees. War and extreme poverty has pushed up forced migration, but 88% of displaced people live in a developing country. Refugees are 0.5% of the UK population at about 330,000, but they're 1% of the global population and 15% of the population in Lebanon. Turkey, Iran and Jordan all have more than 3 million each. Pakistan has 1.75 million and Uganda 1.5 million. We are leaving it to poor countries to cope and kidding ourselves on that we're doing more than our fair share.

The UK is not a welcoming country to refugees. In Denmark four out of five applications are successful; in the UK two in three are initially rejected. Courts overturn about 40% of UK government refugee rejections as unlawful. The living standards of those waiting on decisions or appeals are truly awful, most live on less than the lowest benefits anyone could get here and many have no recourse to public funds. The UK government even bans devolved and local government from helping them.

The brain-dead gammon marauding the streets of Stockport don't know any of that and don't care. They're not interested in reality, they operate purely on prejudice and ignorance. There are societal factors that make things like this better or worse but let's not dignify them with the suggestion they deserve a moment of our time. We should fix the social problems that make things like this more likely, but not because of the imbeciles who are one bad incident away from committing a Kristallnacht against Muslims. 

A cracking post.


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26 minutes ago, GordonS said:

A few things.

First, confirmation bias. Every time there is an awful crime in this country and the identity of the perpetrator is unknown, social media is awash with speculation that they are an immigrant, black or Muslim. When it turns out that the guilty person is white and British the mob just moves on and forgets about it, but every time the guilty person matches their speculation they take it as proof of their prejudices. So the hate goes up but never comes down.

If it turns out this kid in Southport is Christian are they going to attack churches? Were there riots against white middle-aged men after the Dunblane school massacre? When Jake Davidson shot five people in Plymouth three years ago, including a three-year-old girl, were there mobs in the streets? No, because those things aren't attributed to their identity, but when someone from a minority group commits a crime it's held against everyone with that identity.

The idea that migrants cause more violent crime than white people born in the UK is utter bollocks.

It's a massive myth that the UK is a beacon for migrants. Globally, we're not particularly popular for migrants and those who seek to come here generally do so because they have friends or family already here and/ or they speak English. There are 8 countries in the EU that get more asylum applications. For many who come here the connection is that they're from a former British colony. You reap what you sow. 

Like most rich nations, the UK does not take its fair share of refugees. War and extreme poverty has pushed up forced migration, but 88% of displaced people live in a developing country. Refugees are 0.5% of the UK population at about 330,000, but they're 1% of the global population and 15% of the population in Lebanon. Turkey, Iran and Jordan all have more than 3 million each. Pakistan has 1.75 million and Uganda 1.5 million. We are leaving it to poor countries to cope and kidding ourselves on that we're doing more than our fair share.

The UK is not a welcoming country to refugees. In Denmark four out of five applications are successful; in the UK two in three are initially rejected. Courts overturn about 40% of UK government refugee rejections as unlawful. The living standards of those waiting on decisions or appeals are truly awful, most live on less than the lowest benefits anyone could get here and many have no recourse to public funds. The UK government even bans devolved and local government from helping them.

The brain-dead gammon marauding the streets of Stockport don't know any of that and don't care. They're not interested in reality, they operate purely on prejudice and ignorance. There are societal factors that make things like this better or worse but let's not dignify them with the suggestion they deserve a moment of our time. We should fix the social problems that make things like this more likely, but not because of the imbeciles who are one bad incident away from committing a Kristallnacht against Muslims. 

naw that's no right, they get a free council house plus 300 quid a week

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"Sharon... SHARON, where did you put me nunchunks luv ? Me and lads are off t'Southport to celebrate memory of them dead girls"


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Civil war broke out in Rwanda in 1990. The Rwandan government was led by a Hutu chauvinist dictator called Juvenal Habyarimana. Since decolonisation, France has been determined to exert as much control as it can over francophone Africa. Therefore, France decided to act as patron to the francophone Habyarimana against the Tutsi insurgency which was based in anglophone Uganda. France helped Habyarimana triple the size of his infantry with all soldiers recruited from Habyarimana's home region in Rwanda which was a hotbed of Hutu chauvinism. France trained that army and provided around $100M of weapons to them - an enormous sum for an impoverished African country in the early '90s. Further arms contracts with Egypt and (Apartheid) South Africa were facilitated by France for Habyarimana. This set up the apparatus which would carry out the 1994 Rwandan Genocide (following Habyarimana's assassination).

During the genocide itself, France sent in troops which may have had some effect on limiting the number of civilians but which also saw France allow the Hutu genocidaire government to escape safely into Congo. Many civilian loyalists to the Hutu government followed and you got a big spill into Congo. That triggered war in Congo which continues to this day.

New York Times reporting on the Rwandan government declaring in 2021 that France "enabled" the Rwandan genocide: https://archive.ph/XGfMK

Macron asking Rwanda for forgiveness in response: https://archive.ph/XGfMK


So I typed all that shite out above because the murderer of these girls was born in UK to Rwandan refugee parents and folk like @Wackyare wanting to make this about immigration. I don't think it is about immigration but I'm indulging Wacky here for a moment. I hope I've shown above that French foreign policy was to blame for migrant outflows from Rwanda - whether on the Hutu or Tutsi side. Well France is a major UK ally, literally the neighbouring nation. Allied governments can pressure each other over their foreign policy. 

Foreign policy matters and you'd think these anti-immigration folk would realise that. What I see them doing instead is constantly attacking those of us who do know about foreign policy. The protesters against UK's support for Israeli actions in Gaza haven't rioted, battered police or bricked each other in the balls. Yet our right wing media has declared them "terrorist sympathisers". f**king idiots on Twitter, probably some of the accounts Wacky follows, all have their Israel flags in their account names. What Wacky should realise is that the folk he hates, the Gaza protesters, are the ones who actually understand foreign policy. If Wacky would start listening to them he might come to learn that bad foreign policy is the main driver of these migration flows he so hates.

Edited by Freedom Farter
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35 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

Turns out the 'Muslim' who was arrested with a machete heading to the rally that a load of them have been using as justification for attacking the mosque is a bloke called Jordan Davies, who was on the side of the 'protestors'. I'm glad I was sitting down for that shocker. 

Morton’s squad building going poorly, it would seem. 

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37 minutes ago, Cheese said:


"Sharon... SHARON, where did you put me nunchunks luv ? Me and lads are off t'Southport to celebrate memory of them dead girls"


Buy your empathy and compassion kit. Includes nunchucks, cocaine and a abdominal groin guard.

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3 hours ago, Wacky said:

I’m not condoning the attacks on the polis or mob violence, but it’s time the feelings of the majority are recognised. I don’t know who or what religion or ethnicity the murderer is, but obviously it’s widely believed that he is Muslim and maybe even an immigrant too? I may be well off the mark here but, IMO, the Brexit vote was all about folks wanting to curb the immigration of people from other countries, and folks believed the Brexit vote would have helped this. Many believe it hasn’t made a blind bit of difference, and we still see many boats full of people risking their lives to reach the UK. We are seen as the land of milk and honey for these people and that’s part of the problem IMO. Why do they all want to come to the UK? Why don’t they stop and try to settle down on the European continent? Myself and many others believe it should be less attractive for these people to want to come here, but our politicians won’t change that. Our government must know the general feeling of the majority yet sit on their hands and protect these illegal immigrants, even put them up in hotels etc at the expense of the taxpayers. I don’t remember ever voting for this in this supposedly democratic country. And don’t even get me started about the fact that the majority of migrants are young men of fighting age who are coming here. 
I’m not saying that this murderer is an immigrant, to be honest I don’t know anything about him, but some reports on social media have caused these people in Liverpool to take to the streets in a threatening and violent manner. You’d think the highly educated MP’s would recognise this and maybe try to do something about it, after all isn’t it their job to do right by the taxpayers of this country? 
I’ve no doubt I’ll be called out on here for this post, maybe even get kicked off P&B for this, but I can’t switch the feeling that our leaders could and should help put a stop to this kind of behaviour. A good start would be to make it less attractive for migrants to want to come here, and that’ll maybe stop the potential for more mob violence. 

Hello Jonathan, hello pal.




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4 hours ago, Wacky said:

I’m not condoning the attacks on the polis or mob violence, but it’s time the feelings of the majority are recognised. I don’t know who or what religion or ethnicity the murderer is, but obviously it’s widely believed that he is Muslim and maybe even an immigrant too? I may be well off the mark here but, IMO, the Brexit vote was all about folks wanting to curb the immigration of people from other countries, and folks believed the Brexit vote would have helped this. Many believe it hasn’t made a blind bit of difference, and we still see many boats full of people risking their lives to reach the UK. We are seen as the land of milk and honey for these people and that’s part of the problem IMO. Why do they all want to come to the UK? Why don’t they stop and try to settle down on the European continent? Myself and many others believe it should be less attractive for these people to want to come here, but our politicians won’t change that. Our government must know the general feeling of the majority yet sit on their hands and protect these illegal immigrants, even put them up in hotels etc at the expense of the taxpayers. I don’t remember ever voting for this in this supposedly democratic country. And don’t even get me started about the fact that the majority of migrants are young men of fighting age who are coming here. 
I’m not saying that this murderer is an immigrant, to be honest I don’t know anything about him, but some reports on social media have caused these people in Liverpool to take to the streets in a threatening and violent manner. You’d think the highly educated MP’s would recognise this and maybe try to do something about it, after all isn’t it their job to do right by the taxpayers of this country? 
I’ve no doubt I’ll be called out on here for this post, maybe even get kicked off P&B for this, but I can’t switch the feeling that our leaders could and should help put a stop to this kind of behaviour. A good start would be to make it less attractive for migrants to want to come here, and that’ll maybe stop the potential for more mob violence. 



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I’ve got to say there have been some excellent posts in this thread, @GordonS, @Freedom Farter in particular, however there’s been some drivel, looking at you @Wacky
my tuppence for what it’s worth, the education levels of the “protesters” must be among the most abysmal in the country. I’m also with @Monkey Tennis, these guys aren’t angry in the slightest about the harrowing tragedy that’s claimed three little girls lives, hopefully all the injured pull thru, what they are is deliriously happy at being able to prove they were correct about immigrants despite being completely wrong, I genuinely hope that there are very severe prison sentences handed down especially after the spectacular over reaction to JSO peaceful protest. 

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3 minutes ago, Brother Blades said:

I’ve got to say there have been some excellent posts in this thread, @GordonS, @Freedom Farter in particular, however there’s been some drivel, looking at you @Wacky
my tuppence for what it’s worth, the education levels of the “protesters” must be among the most abysmal in the country. I’m also with @Monkey Tennis, these guys aren’t angry in the slightest about the harrowing tragedy that’s claimed three little girls lives, hopefully all the injured pull thru, what they are is deliriously happy at being able to prove they were correct about immigrants despite being completely wrong, I genuinely hope that there are very severe prison sentences handed down especially after the spectacular over reaction to JSO peaceful protest. 

Or bricks in the baws.

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2 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Or bricks in the baws.

With the nature of the physical damage inflicted on their own and their woeful level of misunderstanding of reality, they might be sentenced to watching endless reruns of cartoons featuring roadrunner and coyote, but these might be too advanced for the ignorant oafs.

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