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Seagull Appreciation/ Condemnation Thread

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Posted (edited)
51 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

I saw one being popped by a car. It was a strange mixture of crunching and bursting. I was glad and nauseated at the same time.

I heard one getting crushed relatively slowly.  A truly haunting high-pitched squak.

The thing gambled, got it's foot trapped under the wheel of a slowly-reversing beeping van, and ended up as a white feathery pancake.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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How are so many of you losing food from your hand to a bird fs? Can honestly say that has never happened to me.  One comes at me and I’ll punch its beak off, simple as.

Edited by Scotty Tunbridge
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12 minutes ago, Scotty Tunbridge said:

How are so many of you losing food from your hand to a bird fs? Can honestly say that has never happened to me.  One comes at me and I’ll punch its beak off, simple as.

They take you from behind.

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Grew up near the beach so some years they would nest on the roof and swoop you every time you came home or left.  A good laugh. 

I took a photo of one checking itself out no long ago. 


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3 hours ago, eez-eh said:

Saw one swoop down to a shopping trolley and steal a packet of rolls from a woman outside Aldi, a few weeks back. Cocky wee b*****ds.

There's one, I know it's the same one, I'd recognise it anywhere, that perches on the lamppost outside the Inches Aldi in Inverness. It stares from its vantage point and waits for a full trolley of shopping to emerge. The speciality involves waiting until the trolley is at the car boot and the shopper is distracted. A swoop and a steal of a newly purchased item is as inevitable as the ensuing rage. 

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53 minutes ago, Scotty Tunbridge said:

How are so many of you losing food from your hand to a bird fs? Can honestly say that has never happened to me.  One comes at me and I’ll punch its beak off, simple as.


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2 hours ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

No, if he'd put a photo it might have sunk in. I did put a photo, so I win.

Crows and magpies are great. I've suspended my feeding programme until I work out a way to feed them, but exclude pigeons.

We don't have any gulls, but feral pigeons are driving me mad. I use ground cages to feed the smaller ones and exclude the pigeons, but they still feed on the seed falling from the hanging feeders due to the messy gold finches. I don't mind wood pigeons and collered doves, but hate the ferals with a passion.

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I keep telling you, bring back anti-seagull headwear (as modelled by Otto here)

There was a feature on gulls on the radio last week- they did an experiment with gull chicks and they showed a preference for fish rather than chips and other shite that the adult gulls go for.

It's like if we didn't over-extract their natural foodstuff through intensive fishing and didn't leave a ready source of food about for them in the form of discarded pizzas etc they wouldn't bother.

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There is a boy on our ship that is like a gull whisperer, he somehow has the ability to catch them in his hands and likes to throw them into a shipmates cabin to wake them up our leave them as a surprise for someone coming off watch, not sure who is worse him or the gulls. 

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I would only support a national cull of seagulls if there was an agreement to replace them with an equal amount of ostriches.

God I'd love to have a few million ostriches running around all over the place.

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18 hours ago, Scotty Tunbridge said:

How are so many of you losing food from your hand to a bird fs? Can honestly say that has never happened to me.  One comes at me and I’ll punch its beak off, simple as.

They're bigger and smarter up here. The ones in the central belt are tiny in comparison. 

Greggs changed their wrappers up here as the seagulls had learned that big blue square=food. Seagulls will fly at you from behind and land on your head, causing you to drop your piece. It won't happen if you're prepared, but unsuspecting tourists or freshers will blithely eat a sandwich walking down the street unaware of the Hitchcockian scene in which they're about to participate. 

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