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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Got woken up this morning with a call from the health centre to tell me I've got iron deficiency anaemia. Turns out my blood count is less than half of what it should be and they were considering a blood transfusion but have told me to take iron tablets for a month first. What a waste of a fiver that Cordosyl was - I might drop it off at Redhead's later.

Hope your iron tablets work - aye the old corsodyl is expensive, I've only had a couple of gargles out my bottle too. I think that's what they bank on tbh, folk buy it, use a wee bit then lose it/throw it out then when the time comes they need to repurchase!

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Go to Home Bargains and buy the generic one. It's exactly the same as Corsodyl but half the price. Of course, you could always get a script from your dentist and get it free.

Absolutely spot on. Sod's law dictates that it started to really hurt late at night when Tescos was the only option. Good idea about the generic stuff tho too!

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Got woken up this morning with a call from the health centre to tell me I've got iron deficiency anaemia. Turns out my blood count is less than half of what it should be and they were considering a blood transfusion but have told me to take iron tablets for a month first. What a waste of a fiver that Cordosyl was - I might drop it off at Redhead's later.

I really hope the docs can sort you out. If they don't, P&B's own Joseph Mengele will probably be happy to save you the price and hassle of a trip to Dignitas and pop over with his pillow.

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Got woken up this morning with a call from the health centre to tell me I've got iron deficiency anaemia. Turns out my blood count is less than half of what it should be and they were considering a blood transfusion but have told me to take iron tablets for a month first. What a waste of a fiver that Cordosyl was - I might drop it off at Redhead's later.


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You'll be hoping you don't get a colonoscopy then. Horrendous.

I know dem feelz.

Watching the whole thing unfold on the monitor as they explored was an eye-opener, so to speak. They took ten biopsies as well while they were there, my first shite afterwards was like a stabbing, nearly passed out from the bloodloss / shock of seeing that much claret skooshing oot my tradesman's entrance.

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Agreeance. I opened a Christmas card last week and a shower of the fucking stuff spilled out. I'm still cleaning it up. Or at least, trying to.

I'm not totally convinced the sender didn't do it on purpose and seeing as they aren't a 6-year old girl, this shall not be forgiven.

Apologies for taking this back a few pages but this was a real pain in the tits for me. A lot of my family know how much I hate glitter and still send me cards full of the shite. A couple of handy websites for revenge for these fuckers:



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People (usually bitter old people) shouting at other people for something they have no control over. Had this earlier on with two middle-aged women shouting at a car park attendant who was getting it both barrels about the flow of traffic. This is despite him having absolutely no control over the traffic lights, the layout of the carpark or the other motorists. Didn't matter to them though as they hurled abuse in his direction.

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People (usually bitter old people) shouting at other people for something they have no control over. Had this earlier on with two middle-aged women shouting at a car park attendant who was getting it both barrels about the flow of traffic. This is despite him having absolutely no control over the traffic lights, the layout of the carpark or the other motorists. Didn't matter to them though as they hurled abuse in his direction.

Bet they were primary teachers.

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Michael Buble.

Or more accurately, my other half's insistance on watching his Christmas show (Channel 5 right now, if anyone is interested)

Seriously, does the guy do anything the rest of the year, or is he just wheeled out around Christmas?

Ditto. I've persuaded her to turn it off and put Kylie on.

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