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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Chantelle mwi McGeechy

46minutes ago via Facebook for Android

People at work who f**k off and do nothing and then randomly re appear and ask why everything hasn't been done and your like well it would've been done had you been here and assisted as opposed to doing nothing

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Come dine with me is on right now and there is a lass with the most horrendous laugh i have ever heard.

I love that the guy couldn't wait to hear her laugh again as it was "infectious". Lad must have been deaf.

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I can't be the only one who thinks the pun lovers on here are some of the worst posters on the site?

Worse than the likes of 8mile etc IMO.

If only there was something you could do.

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Today's PTTGOMN is the servile, forelock-tugging reporting on that vile b*****d Parkinson. Let's just forget all about him being an adulterous arsehole who. when his affair produced the not-totally unexpected result, pulled the 20th-century equivalent of sacking the downstairs maid before ignoring his daughter and her mother for the next twenty years*. All the while angling for advancement in a Party which is pretty well in favour of taking personal responsibilty - when it comes to the oiks, anyway.

Today, there is one less hypocritical cúnt in the world. That, in my opinion, doesn't warrant as much coverage as Dale Griffin got. Which was criminally little, btw, for someone who was part of bringing joy to many rather than misery to many, and betrayal to at least three.

*Oh, he threw money (court-ordered) at them, so that's apparently fine. As I said above, cúnt.

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Today's PTTGOMN is the servile, forelock-tugging reporting on that vile b*****d Parkinson. Let's just forget all about him being an adulterous arsehole who. when his affair produced the not-totally unexpected result, pulled the 20th-century equivalent of sacking the downstairs maid before ignoring his daughter and her mother for the next twenty years*. All the while angling for advancement in a Party which is pretty well in favour of taking personal responsibilty - when it comes to the oiks, anyway.

Today, there is one less hypocritical cúnt in the world. That, in my opinion, doesn't warrant as much coverage as Dale Griffin got. Which was criminally little, btw, for someone who was part of bringing joy to many rather than misery to many, and betrayal to at least three.

*Oh, he threw money (court-ordered) at them, so that's apparently fine. As I said above, cúnt.

Good Lord!
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Today's PTTGOMN is the servile, forelock-tugging reporting on that vile b*****d Parkinson.

Don't forget the aggressive legal action that prevented anyone from discussing the child in public, even the girl herself, by designating her as a 'non-person'. Unless your name is Cecil Parkinson, of course, who could (and did) discuss what he wanted. All supposedly done in the girl's interests, despite the odious creep refusing to even give a nod in her direction once. Hopefully his daughter can lay a claim on his estate now, at least.

Why was that all indented, BTW?

Call Ghostbusters?

I was thinking more along the lines of "learn to use the website", but that's about as likely.

Anyway, some of the Pun Club may be old, but they're still very much alive at last count.

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That horrible feeling when you find a bargain on a website, make the purchase, and see the delivery date is several weeks away. The date edges ever closer with no sign of dispatch, and you start to realise they don't have the item, they never did, and it was just something they put up to encourage more traffic to the site :(

I don't get the logic behind that. Surely anyone who buys the item will know to just ignore that site in the future? :huh:

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Alternatively, not being able to book hotels etc in advance beyond the debit card expiry date, even though you've already asked for a new one asap.

Don't worry bank, I'll just hang around and watch for the hotel rate rise by the day whilst you do stuff in your own time.

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That horrible feeling when you find a bargain on a website, make the purchase, and see the delivery date is several weeks away. The date edges ever closer with no sign of dispatch, and you start to realise they don't have the item, they never did, and it was just something they put up to encourage more traffic to the site :(

I don't get the logic behind that. Surely anyone who buys the item will know to just ignore that site in the future? :huh:

Unless it's got a tracking system like the Royal Mail where the only change in status from day one is, 'Your item has been delivered'.

Yeah, thanks.

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