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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Microwave at work.

Every time I go to it the door is lying open and the timer has a tiny amount of time on it,

like 4 seconds, or today 1 second.

So someone has set the timer for a couple of minutes and come back and rather than wait till it stops at zero has opened the door with 1second of the time left,

and then walked away and left it. Not cancelled the time or closed the door, just walked away.

Bad day mate?

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Microwave at work.

Every time I go to it the door is lying open and the timer has a tiny amount of time on it,

like 4 seconds, or today 1 second.

So someone has set the timer for a couple of minutes and come back and rather than wait till it stops at zero has opened the door with 1second of the time left,

and then walked away and left it. Not cancelled the time or closed the door, just walked away.

I have been known to do this because certain noises (like that of a microwave I used to have, people chewing loudly, Hotel California by The Eagles) go right through me and I can't bear it. I'd always clear the timer though or I'd be able to think about nothing else for the rest of the day. Who the f**k leaves a door open? A c**t, that's who.

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Nonsense e-mails both at work and personal. The work ones are actually worse, same fucking nonsense day in and day out together with obvious spam. I've had four this morning telling me my Paypal account has been suspended. I do have a PayPal account but don't use my work e-mail address for it.

Are there people who are actually stupid enough to fall for these and click on the links?

I did once, about fifteen years ago, back when the only way to check links was to view the source code, and PayPal used to regularly send emails out with 'Click here to log in' links. The one I fell for was just a direct copy of an actual PayPal email with the link changed; I don't know why more scammers don't do that instead of writing their own shitty-looking text-based messages riddled with spelling mistakes.

Anyway, it took me to a copy of the login screen, and I didn't check the URL. Thankfully, they hadn't tried anything fancy like redirecting the details to the actual PayPal site, so it just prompted me for my details again. That made me notice the URL and scuttle off to change my password on the actual PayPal site, so I got away with it.

TL;DR - I was that soldier, and I bet there are plenty of other folk on here who've been caught at some time and would rather forget it had happened :P

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I did once, about fifteen years ago, back when the only way to check links was to view the source code, and PayPal used to regularly send emails out with 'Click here to log in' links. The one I fell for was just a direct copy of an actual PayPal email with the link changed; I don't know why more scammers don't do that instead of writing their own shitty-looking text-based messages riddled with spelling mistakes.

Anyway, it took me to a copy of the login screen, and I didn't check the URL. Thankfully, they hadn't tried anything fancy like redirecting the details to the actual PayPal site, so it just prompted me for my details again. That made me notice the URL and scuttle off to change my password on the actual PayPal site, so I got away with it.

TL;DR - I was that soldier, and I bet there are plenty of other folk on here who've been caught at some time and would rather forget it had happened :P

I got an RBS one a couple of years ago when tired and not really paying attention, the link took me to a page nearly identical to the real internet banking signing in page. Luckily I woke up and found something not quite right. I forwarded the email to RBS's fraud department but didn't hear anything back. Could have been pretty catastrophic as I get access to my parents accounts as well as my own with the same login.

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Hospitals/doctors/dentists who ask you to turn up 10 minutes early then don't look at you for at least half an hour.

This arse isn't going to fix itself you c***s.

Let me guess - you fell on it while getting dressed, aye?

No wonder they can't bear to look at you.
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I have been known to do this because certain noises (like that of a microwave I used to have, people chewing loudly, Hotel California by The Eagles) go right through me and I can't bear it. I'd always clear the timer though or I'd be able to think about nothing else for the rest of the day. Who the f**k leaves a door open? A c**t, that's who.

If you don't like Hotel Calafornia then you have serious issues. I hope you encounter loud chewing people every day for the next year.

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I work in an office with 8 other people. The assistant in the office has taken it upon himself to put fucking Radio 1 on every single morning, and he sits right behind me. No one's ever really said anything about it to him. And at first it didn't really bother me, but still bothered me a little. Now, about six months on from when he started doing it, it's driving me mental. I want to just scream "wear some fucking headphones!" at him, but he's a real sensitive soul who would go into a massive strop about it. I think he thinks he's doing us a favour by putting it on - giving the room a bit of noise. But he's really not; I don't think anyone enjoys it.

Should I just risk creating an atmosphere between us for the rest of our working life and ask him to turn it off? Take the cowardly option of hiding behind my boss and asking her to order him to turn it off? Or just put up with it for the rest of my time here safe in the knowledge that even if it was turned off, the fact that I work in an office means I'd pick up something else to get pissed off about in a matter of minutes anyway?

Get Lucky's playing now and I literally feel like Milton.


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Hospitals/doctors/dentists who ask you to turn up 10 minutes early then don't look at you for at least half an hour.

This arse isn't going to fix itself you c***s.

I don't think you were on the receiving end of the official Australian entrance exam.

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I work in an office with 8 other people. The assistant in the office has taken it upon himself to put fucking Radio 1 on every single morning, and he sits right behind me. No one's ever really said anything about it to him. And at first it didn't really bother me, but still bothered me a little. Now, about six months on from when he started doing it, it's driving me mental. I want to just scream "wear some fucking headphones!" at him, but he's a real sensitive soul who would go into a massive strop about it. I think he thinks he's doing us a favour by putting it on - giving the room a bit of noise. But he's really not; I don't think anyone enjoys it.

Should I just risk creating an atmosphere between us for the rest of our working life and ask him to turn it off? Take the cowardly option of hiding behind my boss and asking her to order him to turn it off? Or just put up with it for the rest of my time here safe in the knowledge that even if it was turned off, the fact that I work in an office means I'd pick up something else to get pissed off about in a matter of minutes anyway?

Get Lucky's playing now and I literally feel like Milton.


Letter to the PRS. Soon they'll get in touch with the responsible person on site and ask them to either pay up, or get rid of the radio.

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I work in an office with 8 other people. The assistant in the office has taken it upon himself to put fucking Radio 1 on every single morning, and he sits right behind me. No one's ever really said anything about it to him. And at first it didn't really bother me, but still bothered me a little. Now, about six months on from when he started doing it, it's driving me mental. I want to just scream "wear some fucking headphones!" at him, but he's a real sensitive soul who would go into a massive strop about it. I think he thinks he's doing us a favour by putting it on - giving the room a bit of noise. But he's really not; I don't think anyone enjoys it.

Should I just risk creating an atmosphere between us for the rest of our working life and ask him to turn it off? Take the cowardly option of hiding behind my boss and asking her to order him to turn it off? Or just put up with it for the rest of my time here safe in the knowledge that even if it was turned off, the fact that I work in an office means I'd pick up something else to get pissed off about in a matter of minutes anyway?

Get Lucky's playing now and I literally feel like Milton.


As far as I concerned feed him through the shredder.

You can put on Radio 2, 3 , 4, 5, 6......

Northsound 1 or 2, Original, SHMU, anything you like but Radio1.

It is the most appalling pollution of noise that is possible by inane wankers telling inane things to inane listeners, and the music ain't great either.

I would have snapped by now.

Sledgehammer the radio or him, whatever easier.


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I work in an office with 8 other people. The assistant in the office has taken it upon himself to put fucking Radio 1 on every single morning, and he sits right behind me. No one's ever really said anything about it to him. And at first it didn't really bother me, but still bothered me a little. Now, about six months on from when he started doing it, it's driving me mental. I want to just scream "wear some fucking headphones!" at him, but he's a real sensitive soul who would go into a massive strop about it. I think he thinks he's doing us a favour by putting it on - giving the room a bit of noise. But he's really not; I don't think anyone enjoys it.

Should I just risk creating an atmosphere between us for the rest of our working life and ask him to turn it off? Take the cowardly option of hiding behind my boss and asking her to order him to turn it off? Or just put up with it for the rest of my time here safe in the knowledge that even if it was turned off, the fact that I work in an office means I'd pick up something else to get pissed off about in a matter of minutes anyway?

Get Lucky's playing now and I literally feel like Milton.

Find a morning when Radio 3 are playing some dischordant experimental 3 hour long dirge and switch it on before he gets in. If he makes a fuss get the others to agree it makes a pleasant change that fucking Radio 1.

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I work in an office with 8 other people. The assistant in the office has taken it upon himself to put fucking Radio 1 on every single morning, and he sits right behind me. No one's ever really said anything about it to him. And at first it didn't really bother me, but still bothered me a little. Now, about six months on from when he started doing it, it's driving me mental. I want to just scream "wear some fucking headphones!" at him, but he's a real sensitive soul who would go into a massive strop about it. I think he thinks he's doing us a favour by putting it on - giving the room a bit of noise. But he's really not; I don't think anyone enjoys it.

Should I just risk creating an atmosphere between us for the rest of our working life and ask him to turn it off? Take the cowardly option of hiding behind my boss and asking her to order him to turn it off? Or just put up with it for the rest of my time here safe in the knowledge that even if it was turned off, the fact that I work in an office means I'd pick up something else to get pissed off about in a matter of minutes anyway?

Get Lucky's playing now and I literally feel like Milton.


Can you not just quite calmly ask him to use earphones instead? Surely if you're friendly and reasonable even the most sensitive person would react okay.

If you're worried about how he'd react to you, then you must know having someone senior to you would be even worse for him.

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Nonsense e-mails both at work and personal. The work ones are actually worse, same fucking nonsense day in and day out together with obvious spam. I've had four this morning telling me my Paypal account has been suspended. I do have a PayPal account but don't use my work e-mail address for it.

Are there people who are actually stupid enough to fall for these and click on the links?

I regularly respond to the emails that are received in my work's email inbox, and I always make sure I take a few minutes to see what spam emails we received each day. Had one a few weeks ago, a guy who was head of security at JFK International Airport, stating someone had boarded their flight and left a suitcase in the departure lounge. Upon further inspection he noticed $45million (in notes) inside. Not being able to contact the owner, he randomly thought of my work's email address and kindly offered to split the cash with us. All we needed to do was send our bank details and we were quids in. How thoughtful was that?!

We also get told out RBS account has been hacked, I didn't realise they had email accounts in Africa...

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