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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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2 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

I saw some boy on Gladiators jump cars and thought it looked a piece of piss. Tried it in St Andrews one night. The car was covered in ice and as I'd jumped it Superman style I just skidded off the top and ended in a heap head first. 

Had a similar problem with a gate the other night and now can't turn my head to the right. 

You're a fucking bozo.  I'm embarrassed that we have the same taste in footwear.


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3 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

Speaking of cars. A boy walked over the top of my car at 4 in the morning. Who the actual f**k does things like that?! The little tosser is lucky it was my missus that caught him and not me.




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I feel asleep at the back of 5, usually that'd see me out for the count until about 3am when I'd get up and face the day. 

Not in this heat. I've woke up covered in sweat, will probably shower and definitely be awake all night now. FML.

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28 minutes ago, Widge said:

It's brutal because of the humidity. Heat wouldn't be so bad on its on. Yet we'll all moan like f**k when it rains tomorrow.

I love the rain. Don't get the obsession people have with weather, especially when so many sit at a desk all day then go home (in the car) and sit and watch TV.

It's almost as if folk have been brainwashed and indeed it almost seems like weathermen/women actively brainwash the populace in the way they describe rain ("miserable", "dreary", "dreich" etc and how they use terms like "unfortunately" when talking about rain). It's just a wee bit of water and not a fucking plague of AIDS tipped hammers falling from the sky

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9 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

I love the rain. Don't get the obsession people have with weather, especially when so many sit at a desk all day then go home (in the car) and sit and watch TV.

It's almost as if folk have been brainwashed and indeed it almost seems like weathermen/women actively brainwash the populace in the way they describe rain ("miserable", "dreary", "dreich" etc and how they use terms like "unfortunately" when talking about rain). It's just a wee bit of water and not a fucking plague of AIDS tipped hammers falling from the sky

The weather's just another reason for deeply boring punters to talk shite to me in lifts.

"Oh, well - nearly Friday..."

Get fucked. It's Tuesday afternoon.


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2 minutes ago, Cream Cheese said:

You lot think you have it bad? Try being ginger in this heat on a bus for 3 hours with no ****ing windows. I'd hate to be that guy.....

You saw what happened when you left the bus yesterday Harry. Do you never learn?

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