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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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10 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

I thought the whole point of the trans thing was to get a bit extra or to get a bit less, not a bit much?

The priority in this case is probably for the people who experience it rather than anyone else judging whether they find trans people attractive or not.


5 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

How the DI & Melanius Mullarkey have no team under their avatar.

My Team :

Tell it to @ICTChris

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Those shitey adverts on FB for those t shirts. The one with a couple and a wee lassie in between and they keep coming up with a different badge. f**k off. Especially the Falkirk one,looks made for doing gymnastics.

So much this. They've been pissing me right off the last couple of days.
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The news headlines on Radio Scotland this morning. A large rabbit called Simon who died on a flight made it on. What about all the normal sized rabbits that passed away in other unfortunate circumstances recently? Where were their obituaries?

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The news headlines on Radio Scotland this morning. A large rabbit called Simon who died on a flight made it on. What about all the normal sized rabbits that passed away in other unfortunate circumstances recently? Where were their obituaries?

#JeSuisSimon He was the people's rabbit
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2 hours ago, Angusfifer said:

The news headlines on Radio Scotland this morning. A large rabbit called Simon who died on a flight made it on. What about all the normal sized rabbits that passed away in other unfortunate circumstances recently? Where were their obituaries?

It was United Airlines. Maybe it died while being dragged off the plane...


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I always struggle to understand how Abi Wilkinson gets so many opportunities to write in the guardian and independent etc when her articles are just black and white simplistic arguments that most right on uni students grow out of by third year. She writes fairly well but the content is incredibly simple and doesn't really add anything. Her latest argument is that the Daily Mail is biased. Of course it's biased, everyone knows it's biased, they themselves have never tried to pretend they aren't biased, but she is acting as if she is revealing this great unknown secret. Thing is as soon as anyone points anything out to her or disagrees with her she retweets the disagreement knowing her army of fans will get angry at them and send them abuse, before she quits Twitter in a strop.

I struggle to understand why it's people on the left of the British political system who have so much difficulty having people disagree with them. People like her, and Laurie Penny and the rest of them give rise to the right-wing slur of youngsters being 'snowflakes' by acting as if people getting angry at you on Twitter is somehow this terrible thing. I shudder to think how they would react if they called the new club 'Sevco' after they lose a game.

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18 minutes ago, jmothecat said:

I always struggle to understand how Abi Wilkinson gets so many opportunities to write in the guardian. Her latest argument is that the Daily Mail is biased.

Most third year university students have figured out hypocrisy by then as well.

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