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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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3 minutes ago, Zen Archer said:

He's been selected to chose new reclining chairs for the office.

He should have said.
There's the Reclining Chairs Hut, that's on third.
There's Reclining Chairs-R-Us, that's on third too. You got Put-Your-Butt-There.
That's on third. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot... Matter of fact, they're all in the same complex; it's the
Reclining Chairs complex on third.
The Reclining Chairs district!

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"Premium" "Exclusive" "Elite" "Gold" All those meaningless marketing words people use to try and get people to go from say a regular version of something to a pointless more expensive version of something, be it software, flights or just about anything these days. Used to be when you bought anything you just got what you paid for, these days its a barebones version that has had so many features ripped out that it can barely be called functional, just to try and blackmail you into forking over more money for the thing that you thought you were getting in the first place.

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That's all Americans then. It's utterly baffling as well.


I remember seeing a comedian at a fringe variety show I think from Canada called Craig something, he pronounced it Kreg. His opening line was 'I love being in The UK, it's the only country where the people correct me on the pronunciation of my own name.'



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1 hour ago, Jmothecat2 said:


I remember seeing a comedian at a fringe variety show I think from Canada called Craig something, he pronounced it Kreg. His opening line was 'I love being in The UK, it's the only country where the people correct me on the pronunciation of my own name.'



 The pronunciation of McKay (ma-kae) instead of (mac-eye) pisses me off.

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I probably post this at this time every year, but...

"GET IN THE HOLE!!!!!!!"

I know Americans get slagged for not travelling abroad much, but they really should just stay over there.

I tend to turn the sound off when I watch them sort of movies so don't feel the same rage.
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 The pronunciation of McKay (ma-kae) instead of (mac-eye) pisses me off.

This. Whenever I head to Halifax, it's impossible not to hear about the Ma-kae Bridge every ten mins. However, if you call it the Mac-eye Bridge, you'll just be seen as an idiot and/or an arsehole.


Calling their chowder a poor man's Cullen Skink doesn't go down well either. That and saying poutine is just chips cheese and gravy which only drunk people eat.

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