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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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1 hour ago, tree house tam said:

In the same way you're an ape? They're dolphins.

You are getting confused with taxonomy and ordinary use.

They (and pilot whales) are whales within the dolphin family of the cetaceans. 

If you want to be pedantic about it, dolphins are whales and it is their exclusion from the common usage of whales that is incorrect.  

Nobody says that though, in the same way that nobody calls moose deer or foxes dogs.

I bet if you hear a kid calling a woodlouse a bug you go "aha, actually it is a crustacean, the bugs are a family within the insect order"

I blame QI.

Anyway Orca the killer dolphin would have been a shite name for a film


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How long has it been, are you not even getting a w**k? 

About 8 weeks probably. My laptop isn’t working and I haven’t bothered fixing it, I need proper internet to reboot it to factory settings and it won’t even connect to my internet to do it so haven’t been doing the latter either.
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1 minute ago, throbber said:


About 8 weeks probably. My laptop isn’t working and I haven’t bothered fixing it, I need proper internet to reboot it to factory settings and it won’t even connect to my internet to do it so haven’t been doing the latter either.


In my day we used to rely on memory or imagination. Or clothes catalogues. 

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Further to a previous post I made ref. piss poor journalism - In this case she may have seen a rat, but I smell one :-

"Pat Bateman, 60, said she had just finished feeding her two-year-old lunch and was putting the packet back in the freezer when she spotted the rodent".



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