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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Is it feasible for a friend or family to move in to yours while you’re away? Or the Mrs and rent her place out through the proper channels? I would always say don’t sell if you don’t have to.
is an option i suppose but shes not a fan of my place. its not a dump by any means but its a mans house if you know what i mean?
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34 minutes ago, ah-dee said:
1 hour ago, Trackdaybob said:
You know what to do then emoji6.png 

that hurt!!

Didn't mean anything by it. Just being realistic. You might enjoy being in the Army. Your missus might not enjoy you being in the Army. 

So keep the flat is all I'm saying. At least to begin with. 

FWIW I've served 28 years so I do have a reasonable idea of how well or badly these things play out. 

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Didn't mean anything by it. Just being realistic. You might enjoy being in the Army. Your missus might not enjoy you being in the Army. 
So keep the flat is all I'm saying. At least to begin with. 
FWIW I've served 28 years so I do have a reasonable idea of how well or badly these things play out. 
no shes not too happy the moment but has been coming round to the idea. 28 years is some length of service good on you. im too old now to reach that.
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is an option i suppose but shes not a fan of my place. its not a dump by any means but its a mans house if you know what i mean?

Understandable. Few homely touches she could have it how she wants but then it’s not your space anymore, is it? Would try the friend or family route if possible.
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On 5/3/2018 at 15:57, Dee Man said:

Female comedians can gtf as well. 

Christopher Hitchens created a fair mass triggering back in the day by speaking a general broad truth:



Why are women, who have the whole male world at their mercy, not funny? Please do not pretend not to know what I am talking about.

Which he followed up a while later in true cheeky chappy fashion...


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Just discovered the restaurant from which I wished to dine tonight no longer deliver. Seething doesnt begin to cover it. Only Japanese/sushi available in the area too. Cant collect as Mrs going out and the kids will be in bed.


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Just discovered the restaurant from which I wished to dine tonight no longer deliver. Seething doesnt begin to cover it. Only Japanese/sushi available in the area too. Cant collect as Mrs going out and the kids will be in bed.


Phone a local taxi firm and ask them if they’ll do the pick up and delivery.
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8 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:
38 minutes ago, MONKMAN said:

Phone a local taxi firm and ask them if they’ll do the pick up and delivery.

Check out yer sweepie team...

f**k, I forgot all about the draw this morning.

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12 hours ago, ah-dee said:

the girlfriend wants me to give up my flat and move my stuff in to hers before i leave for the army so we can save more money. makes sense in many ways as theres only a small mortgage on her house left to pay and can save an extra £400 a month but i dont want to give up my safety net. she keeps f*****g on at me though. emoji83.png

When you go in the Army, keep the flat and rent out the girlfriend.

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