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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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1 hour ago, JamesP_81 said:

Worse than that I had a Scottish colleague who went on about cricket as if it was the national sport and it was common knowledge which soil composition matched each kind of bowler. He would also push you to partake in his dice based cricket game he made up to while away the downtime between busy spells, which in case you forgot to carry dice with you to work could also be played by numbering the edges of a pencil and rolling that!

Sounds like OFTW, tbqh.

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1 hour ago, The Golden God said:

Father’s Day on social media. If he doesn’t have FB, why wish him happy birthday on it. Don’t wish him it on FB from your 6 month old wean who has no clue what Father’s Day is. Don’t post about how your dad was a dick and how your maw was your father and how great she is, you’ve got a whole other day specifically for that and also if you’re so appreciate 363 more days of the year.

It’s basically just a big pissing contest to see who can have the best da or the soppiest post.

There was one on my wife’s Facebook where dad died 14 years ago.

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2 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

On the subject of Father's Day.

Shit like this...


I'm pretty sure that the ability to be a Mum is by definition limited to a certain subset of the human race.

1 hour ago, Tony Ferrino said:

There was one on my wife’s Facebook where dad died 14 years ago.

I've come to expect this type of pish from the middle-aged women on my Facebook page. But when one of my male acquaintances does it, I swear I can feel my soul shrinking.

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26 minutes ago, Shotgun said:

I'm pretty sure that the ability to be a Mum is by definition limited to a certain subset of the human race.

I've come to expect this type of pish from the middle-aged women on my Facebook page. But when one of my male acquaintances does it, I swear I can feel my soul shrinking.

Cats and bemoaning kids for either playing out or not playing out is 95 per cent of Facebook isn’t it?

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7 hours ago, Tynierose said:

Great game.

I could also have put  my pants over my head with two pencils up my beak.

"But I can put a tennis racket up against my face
And pretend that I am Kendo Nagasaki"

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I have a certain amount of sympathy for the cause (cos we're all f*cked now) but by blocking roads these climate protesters are making people use more fuel by having to take detours leading to more CO2 going into the air. 

Also by stopping the traffic flow and generally f*cking up Edinburgh's streets they actually have something in common with the hated fossil fuel companies as the Gas companies have been doing this for years with their roadworks! 

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12 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

I have a certain amount of sympathy for the cause (cos we're all f*cked now) but by blocking roads these climate protesters are making people use more fuel by having to take detours leading to more CO2 going into the air. 

Also by stopping the traffic flow and generally f*cking up Edinburgh's streets they actually have something in common with the hated fossil fuel companies as the Gas companies have been doing this for years with their roadworks! 

When I was down in London working with my friend who is a hack they said that their blockades had been well known and they had hoped people would use alternative transportation, I didn't know they were going to be blocking roads in Edinburgh so perhaps they could have followed the leads of their fellows in London.

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22 minutes ago, Adam101 said:

When I was down in London working with my friend who is a hack they said that their blockades had been well known and they had hoped people would use alternative transportation, I didn't know they were going to be blocking roads in Edinburgh so perhaps they could have followed the leads of their fellows in London.

I was thinking of ecologically sound alternative transportation. I'm sure there's a sedan chair in Huntly House Museum. They could bring it out of retirement and get some of Edinburgh's lowlifes to cart about PB types for a few pennies! 

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7 hours ago, tamthebam said:

I was thinking of ecologically sound alternative transportation. I'm sure there's a sedan chair in Huntly House Museum. They could bring it out of retirement and get some of Edinburgh's lowlifes to cart about PB types for a few pennies! 

For best effect it would need to be Edinburgh's vegan lowlifes

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2 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

TV reporters who have to don wellies and stand knee deep in flood water to make the point there is flood water around the area they are reporting from.

They don't do the same for wildfires do they?

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