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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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The pace at which Frank Skinner and his co hosts talk on their Absolute Radio show on a Saturday morning. I don’t mind Skinner normally and he’s joined by Emily Dean (me neither) and “Glaswegian” “comedian” Alun Cochrane (whose first name spelling suggests he’s slower than a tortoise at the best of time). I swear to f**k it takes them half an hour to get a sentence out.  There’s ...a...stupid...fucking...annoying..pause...between...every...word...they...say..and...some..words...are...eeeeven...eloooooooongaaaaaated...to...make...the...eh...sentence...even...eh...longer.

Spit it out and get the music on you twats.

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The pace at which Frank Skinner and his co hosts talk on their Absolute Radio show on a Saturday morning. I don’t mind Skinner normally and he’s joined by Emily Dean (me neither) and “Glaswegian” “comedian” Alun Cochrane (whose first name spelling suggests he’s slower than a tortoise at the best of time). I swear to f**k it takes them half an hour to get a sentence out.  There’s ...a...stupid...fucking...annoying..pause...between...every...word...they...say..and...some..words...are...eeeeven...eloooooooongaaaaaated...to...make...the...eh...sentence...even...eh...longer.
Spit it out and get the music on you twats.
Emily Dean comes across as having a very high opinion of herself any time I've listened to it.
It's the only show on Absolut Radio that I'll turn over when I hear it is on.
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3 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

The pace at which Frank Skinner and his co hosts talk on their Absolute Radio show on a Saturday morning. I don’t mind Skinner normally and he’s joined by Emily Dean (me neither)


emily dean.jpg

Edited by GordonD
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Headlines on videos/articles with interviews of (mainly) actors that say something like “Daniel Radcliffe on how Harry Potter changed his life”. Always stars of major tv programmes or films, obviously starring in a fucking hit tv show is going to change someone’s life, pick a better headline.

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Been roped into driving my other half’s brothers girlfriend to the vet tomorrow so her dog can get an operation. I have to drive into town to pick her up and then get them to the vet in East Lothian for 9 am then wait til the operation is over and then take her and her dog back into town again. 

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21 hours ago, Mr. Alli said:

The apparent ever increasing amount of folk who don't know how to utilise a door handle and just resort to slamming doors. 

The same applies to folk who have to slam windows closed instead of just gently closing them. The folk who live below me are terrible for this.... and slamming doors. 

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21 hours ago, Mr. Alli said:

The apparent ever increasing amount of folk who don't know how to utilise a door handle and just resort to slamming doors. 

This exactly. The wife is really bad for doing it. In fact when it happened the other day I got up and opened the door again and asked her to use the handle to shut it properly. 

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13 minutes ago, philpy said:

This exactly. The wife is really bad for doing it. In fact when it happened the other day I got up and opened the door again and asked her to use the handle to shut it properly. 


RIP Philpy. 

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