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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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1 hour ago, The Moonster said:

Currently trying to stop smoking and having absolutely horrendous nightmares. I'm actually feart to go back to sleep. How do c***s do this?

Similarly, I was dreaming I stood on two pop rivets the other night. Woke up with a pain in my foot (where one was in the dream. I think it was the deluge of rain outside that woke me. I sat awake with a sore foot thinking WTF then, after falling back asleep, went straight into the same dream. The second was removed and I remember all was fine until I stood up. The pressure of the blood spraying out my foot was a release - then I ended up fighting Val Venus.

Went to the shop Friday and bought some nicotine. 

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7 minutes ago, Derry Alli said:

Similarly, I was dreaming I stood on two pop rivets the other night. Woke up with a pain in my foot (where one was in the dream. I think it was the deluge of rain outside that woke me. I sat awake with a sore foot thinking WTF then, after falling back asleep, went straight into the same dream. The second was removed and I remember all was fine until I stood up. The pressure of the blood spraying out my foot was a release - then I ended up fighting Val Venus.

Went to the shop Friday and bought some nicotine. 

Im being chased and killed by something every night. I can't describe what it is that is killing me, it's not a person, just a thing that seems to only exist to kill me in my dreams. I would welcome a fight with Val Venus right now.

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20 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

Im being chased and killed by something every night. I can't describe what it is that is killing me, it's not a person, just a thing that seems to only exist to kill me in my dreams. I would welcome a fight with Val Venus right now.

Have you tried the Alan Carr audio book for quitting the fags?

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3 hours ago, Derry Alli said:

Have you tried the Alan Carr audio book for quitting the fags?

I haven't, if I'm honest I'm sceptical of it working and thus don't want to spend coin on it. But if he has any advice for dealing with c***s murdering you in your dreams then I might be open to it.

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2 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

I haven't, if I'm honest I'm sceptical of it working and thus don't want to spend coin on it. But if he has any advice for dealing with c***s murdering you in your dreams then I might be open to it.

I've listened to his one on cocaine on Spotify, I have premium so it was free*. I must admit, its not revolutionary in that he just keeps saying i won't need willpower - which is great because I've never had any with this problem.

Perhaps you should go to bed armed with a knife.

*it isn't free, it costs me £9.99 a month.

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5 hours ago, The Moonster said:

Currently trying to stop smoking and having absolutely horrendous nightmares. I'm actually feart to go back to sleep. How do c***s do this?

Doesn't last long. It took me under 2 weeks to kick a 30 year 40-a-day habit.  Stick with it. 

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9 hours ago, Andy Dufresne said:

3rd time i have had it,bloody horrible thing to have.Mind you i needed to lose a wee bit of weight but not that way.

Is there a reason that keeps coming back?

I dont know enough about it but Is it a bacterial infection or something that hasnt been properly cleared up the last time?

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5 hours ago, The Moonster said:

Currently trying to stop smoking and having absolutely horrendous nightmares. I'm actually feart to go back to sleep. How do c***s do this?

I used the Allen Carr thing 20 years ago - it wasnt that difficult (although my wife also found she was pregnant so I had another incentive).

I think for all of us there comes a time when you just say "enough" and do it.

I had tried umpteen times before, so dont feel that you are a failure if you are struggling - just keep on keeping on.

You will absolutely feel better, your lung capacity will improve, and you will start to realise what "smokers" actually smell like (and its no very good............).

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On 27/01/2024 at 11:21, Leith Green said:

I'm sure its been covered before but inconsiderate twats in the cinema.

I  have no real issue with people talking, opening crisps or whatever in the pre film adverts, but how difficult is it just to bloody shut the f**k up for an hour or two, not rustle your b*****ding chocolate bag, or squeak your shitey trainers on the footstool right behind me?

This rant then merged into "annoying things your partner does" - but from my wifes perspective 😆- as I couldnt take it any more and had to turn round and tell the loud eater to "fucking shut up".

Suffice to say the silence during the film continued in the car home and for the rest of the night..................

Is there a "stuff you have done as an angry old man" thread? I have lots of material 

I thought people's behaviour in the cinema was improving again after the post-lockdown period where everyone seemed to be treating it as a day out to chat with mates while a film played in the background, but I recently spent a couple of hours sitting at the back of a screening where literally half of the audience were on their phones throughout, including one taking calls.

What made it worse was that most of them were middle-aged, which has been true of most of the inconsiderate cinema behaviour I've seen in the past few years. Folk my age doing their best to take over from the Boomers as the generation everyone loves to hate.

33 minutes ago, Boghead ranter said:

Though still better than coffee drinkers' (breath)

Lassie I worked with many moons ago was a heavy coffee drinker, and (I assume) had some other issue going on, as some days her breath reeked of jobbies. Literally like talking to an open sewer.

She was quite braw otherwise, so it was grimly amusing to see new recruits/customers drift over to her desk to try their luck, only to escape as quickly as possible.

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6 hours ago, Leith Green said:

I used the Allen Carr thing 20 years ago - it wasnt that difficult (although my wife also found she was pregnant so I had another incentive).

I think for all of us there comes a time when you just say "enough" and do it.

I had tried umpteen times before, so dont feel that you are a failure if you are struggling - just keep on keeping on.

You will absolutely feel better, your lung capacity will improve, and you will start to realise what "smokers" actually smell like (and its no very good............).

That’s a big one - I used to have a loop I’d cycle - no hills involved, just put legs on, turn brain off and go - and when I was smoking I’d do it in about 2hrs 10. A week off the fags and I was doing it in 1h 40 without noticeably going any harder. So not even so much the lungs, in this case, just the body presumably getting more efficient in sending blood to muscles. That was a bit of a ‘Jesus, I really best not go back to doing that’ moment. 

Are you taking Zyban/Chantix @The Moonster? I know a couple of folks who got really bad nightmares from that. I used e-fags, and same as Leith Green, it was the quack telling us my nuts had hit jackpot that was the motivation. 

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2 hours ago, BFTD said:

Lassie I worked with many moons ago was a heavy coffee drinker, and (I assume) had some other issue going on, as some days her breath reeked of jobbies. Literally like talking to an open sewer.

Used to work with a guy who took his coffee black and in copious amounts and also smoked roll ups. His breath smelled of dung. Not just shite, dung. I swear some days you could discern the smell of the wee bits of straw you get in dung on a country lane. Fucking rancid dung breath. 

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29 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

That’s a big one - I used to have a loop I’d cycle - no hills involved, just put legs on, turn brain off and go - and when I was smoking I’d do it in about 2hrs 10. A week off the fags and I was doing it in 1h 40 without noticeably going any harder. So not even so much the lungs, in this case, just the body presumably getting more efficient in sending blood to muscles. That was a bit of a ‘Jesus, I really best not go back to doing that’ moment. 

Are you taking Zyban/Chantix @The Moonster? I know a couple of folks who got really bad nightmares from that. I used e-fags, and same as Leith Green, it was the quack telling us my nuts had hit jackpot that was the motivation. 

Nah f**k all, gone cold turkey. I've recently started jogging which I'm hoping gives me the same motivation as your cycling. 

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