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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest bairnbabe

:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

:o take a chill pill

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Something that is pissing me off right now is the Americanisation of our country and mannerisms.

Sitting in the works cafe last night happily eating my pizza and chips I was disturbed by a load of spotty fucking baggy jeaned, bandana-wearing 'Wiggas' greeting each other with high fives and the like.

I felt like reminding them that they arent from Brooklyn and that they just look like a bunch of fannies by speaking like they were but refrained as there were a lot of them and they may have attempted to "Put a cap in my ass :rolleyes: " or something.

Why do people try to be something that they're not?

If they dont want to be Scottish anymore I suggest they f**k off over the water where they want to, but wouldnt, belong.

Edited by AndyC27/11
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Something that is pissing me off right now is the Americanisation of our country and mannerisms.

Sitting in the works cafe last night happily eating my pizza and chips I was disturbed by a load of spotty fucking baggy jeaned, bandana-wearing 'Wiggas' greeting each other with high fives and the like.

I felt like reminding them that they arent from Brooklyn and that they just look like a bunch of fannies by speaking like they were but refrained as there were a lot of them and they may have attempted to "Put a cap in my ass :rolleyes: " or something.

Why do people try to be something that they're not?

If they dont want to be Scottish anymore I suggest they f**k off over the water where they want to, but wouldnt, belong.


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CSA have just been on. They reckon I should be paying £60 per week and want another £300 back claims paid. :( So that's me trying to live on £40 per week now. Well she can whistle for it! <_<

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Guest bairnbabe

Could you not just sort it out amicably instead of having the CSA on your case?

Like Debbie said, they are your kids therefore you should be willing to compromise etc.

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Why? Kilt, I don't mean to sound harsh, but they're your kids too.
Could you not just sort it out amicably instead of having the CSA on your case?

Like Debbie said, they are your kids therefore you should be willing to compromise etc.

Assuming kilt's telling the truth and he has £40 a week to live on, don't you think that might be taking this feminist blitzkreig a bit far?

Isn't everyone aware these days of how badly the CSA is operated?

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Why? Kilt, I don't mean to sound harsh, but they're your kids too.

I'm paying the mortgage, council tax and all the bills on a three bedroomed house so the kids have somewhere to come and stay over weekends. That leaves me about £100 per week to live on. If I pay up the full amount, that leaves me just £40 a week to scrape by with. I'm not being unreasonable, it's just that she said 'make me an offer and I'll accept it' over maintenance, which I did, and yet she still gets the CSA on my case. <_<

Of course my kids come first, but she earns more than me, gets disability living allowance and all the Child Tax Credits on top. I gave them £25 each for their holiday's and feed them when they come over as well as the occasional treats when I can afford, but the amount I'm being asked to pay doesn't seem fair in the circumstances. It looks like I'll have to sell my house and rent a flat to pay her off, but that'll probably mean I won't have a spare room for the kids to stay in, so that's my access rights cut down too! Life is shite! :(

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Shut it or you'll get banned :P

Edit - that was aimed at monster by the way!

Kilt, like I said, it's none of my business, but have you told your wife this, rather than us?

Edited by Debbie
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