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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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At least you're at home. It's when you're out shopping and they slip them off, and you don't notice until you get home that it's bloody annoying. Particularly when they're bloody expensive socks. Or, worse still, nice little trainers.

Any children I have from now on are in Primark gear until they learn to keep their clothes on.

Go on, fnarr that. I don't care.

We got him a wee pair of Clarks boots and the wee bugger has started to undo the velcro on them.

He's currently wearing his wooly hat while tearing about shouting "Tup o' tea". :lol:

Edited by AndyC27/11
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We got him a wee pair of Clarks boots and the wee bugger has started to undo the velcro on them.

He's currently wearing his wooly hat while tearing about shouting "Tup o' tea'. :lol:

I love the way kids speak. Mine used to say 'Ninished' when he'd eaten all his dinner. :D

Obviously that was a few years ago now, but over summer when I was down there, I was showing him on Google maps where I lived and then showed him his house as well, where he saw his dad's car on the driveway. He said 'Daddy, go and move the car so I can see it moving on there!'. Bless!

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I love the way kids speak. Mine used to say 'Ninished' when he'd eaten all his dinner. :D

My 5 year still says 'hostible' for hospital. He just can't get it! He also used to say 'milky-storey' instead of multi-storey. I don't like it when all the cutsie words go and they speak proper england!

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My 5 year still says 'hostible' for hospital. He just can't get it! He also used to say 'milky-storey' instead of multi-storey. I don't like it when all the cutsie words go and they speak proper england!

It was a sad day in my parents house when my eldest learned to say 'Grandad' instead of 'Dadad'.

I just remembered another one. My first flight to Glasgow a couple of years back, there was this young lad sat behind me on the plane. On seeing the multi-story buildings through the window, he said 'Mummy! We got the wrong plane! There's the Empire State Building!'.

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It was a sad day in my parents house when my eldest learned to say 'Grandad' instead of 'Dadad'.

I just remembered another one. My first flight to Glasgow a couple of years back, there was this young lad sat behind me on the plane. On seeing the multi-story buildings through the window, he said 'Mummy! We got the wrong plane! There's the Empire State Building!'.


My wee ones first away game I took him to was just along the road at Cowdenbeath. I kid you not, when we were just passing the 'welcome to cowdenbeath' sign he said 'Mummy, what's that smell?'. It honestly had nothing to do with any provocation from us!

My youngest son, who is a bit of a handful, used to come out with a puzzler till the penny dropped with me. I used to ask him 'what's my name?' and couldn't figure out what he was saying in return. took a while but he was saying 'bad'. Probably coz that's the word I used most when talking/screaming like a fish wife to him!

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My day should have been;

07.55 Arrive, and check in at London City Airport

08.55 Take off from London City Airport

10.15 Arrive at Dundee Airport

10.16 onwards Have a stress free day

My day actually went;

07.55 Arrived, and found out my flight was cancelled

08.15 Get put on the 09.50 flight to Edinburgh (after 20 minutes queueing)

09.35 Check in (after 80 minutes queueing)

10.24 Drop bags at bag-drop (after 49 minutes queueing)

11.15 Take off from London City

12.25 Arrive in Edinburgh

12.45 Find out that no-one told Edinburgh airport they needed to arrange a coach to take us through to Dundee

14.06 Leave Edinburgh Airport on a coach

15.15 Arrive at Dundee Airport

15.25 Shell out my own money on a taxi, as the person who was meeting me at the airport was only available in the morning to pick me up.

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Guest The Phoenix
My day should have been;

07.55 Arrive, and check in at London City Airport

08.55 Take off from London City Airport

10.15 Arrive at Dundee Airport

10.16 onwards Have a stress free day

My day actually went;

07.55 Arrived, and found out my flight was cancelled

08.15 Get put on the 09.50 flight to Edinburgh (after 20 minutes queueing)

09.35 Check in (after 80 minutes queueing)

10.24 Drop bags at bag-drop (after 49 minutes queueing)

11.15 Take off from London City

12.25 Arrive in Edinburgh

12.45 Find out that no-one told Edinburgh airport they needed to arrange a coach to take us through to Dundee

14.06 Leave Edinburgh Airport on a coach

15.15 Arrive at Dundee Airport

15.25 Shell out my own money on a taxi, as the person who was meeting me at the airport was only available in the morning to pick me up.

Can't understand why anyone would go to so much trouble to get to Dundee. B)

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Meeting people up the town, or anywhere in fact, who are a bit clogged up with a red runny nose who insist on telling everyone they have "got the flu".

I'm sorry but no you don't, the flu can kill, it put my wife to bed for a week and i had to help her to the toilet because she was so ill she could hardly walk.

So if you see someone giving it the "i've got the flu" speech, tell them to get a grip of themselves!!!

Edited by life's just beachy
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Guest The Phoenix
Meeting people up the town, or anywhere in fact, who are a bit clogged up with a red runny nose who insist on telling everyone they have "got the flu".

I'm sorry but no you don't, the flu can kill, it put my wife to bed for a week and i had to help her to the toilet because she was so fucked she could hardly walk.

So if you see someone giving it the "i've got the flu" speech, tell them to get a grip of themselves!!!

Personally I think you could have phrased the middle paragraph better. :rolleyes:

(But I think I get the gist of the point you are trying to make.)

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Can't understand why anyone would go to so much trouble to get to Dundee. B)

Thousands flock every year, just to take photos of the sign 'Welcome to Dundee; birthplace of mid-table'.

Also sunniest and driest city in Scotland, excellent for golf, and it's not Glasgow.

Think that about covers it.

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Guest saintstuart

1. people who drive RIGHT up your arse!

2. when you're christmas shopping and nobody gives a shite about any body else, as long as they get what they wan't and get to where their going then that's all right. fukin knobs. i swear i was going to go mental today. arrogant fucks.

3. when you get shite/biast ref.

4. woman linesMEN!!!! :angry:


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1. people who drive RIGHT up your arse!

2. when you're christmas shopping and nobody gives a shite about any body else, as long as they get what they wan't and get to where their going then that's all right. fukin knobs. i swear i was going to go mental today. arrogant fucks.

3. when you get shite/biast ref.

4. woman linesMEN!!!! :angry:


I know what you mean about other people not giving a flying f**k about anyone else. It happened to me last year,walking through the St Johns center this bloke was running through with a Christmas tree under his arm,hit me right in the arm with a sharp end and didn't even stop to say sorry. :angry:

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for the last 6 months, ive been saying i wanted to get my niece and nephew pop up pirate for christmas. We never got round to buying it, and lo and behold there seems to have been a recall or something, and there is no pop-up pirate to be bought anywhere in the US. Fuckers <_<

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