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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Smacked a huge pothole today doing just under 50 Mph :( Bent and buckled the wheel, fucked the tyre and the knocked the tracking way out of alignment.

£130 down the pan because the council are fucking arseholes. I'll be putting in a claim first thing Monday morning.

Hardly any money left after that so stuck in the house tonight :angry:

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Smacked a huge pothole today doing just under 50 Mph :( Bent and buckled the wheel, fucked the tyre and the knocked the tracking way out of alignment.

£130 down the pan because the council are fucking arseholes. I'll be putting in a claim first thing Monday morning.

Hardly any money left after that so stuck in the house tonight :angry:

Was there a circle spray-painted around the pot-hole?

I'm sure there was a thread on here before about them, which said the councils basically have two answers to pot-hole claims. If it does have a circle round it, then they know about it and it'll be fixed as soon as possible but its not they're fault you've been unlucky and hit it before they could fix it, and if it isn't circled, then they haven't been notified about it so it can't possibly be their fault.

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Smacked a huge pothole today doing just under 50 Mph :( Bent and buckled the wheel, fucked the tyre and the knocked the tracking way out of alignment.

£130 down the pan because the council are fucking arseholes. I'll be putting in a claim first thing Monday morning.

Hardly any money left after that so stuck in the house tonight :angry:

Your own fault for not watching the road properly and going too fast.

I cooked garlic bread and there was no garlic in it!

I have increadably ichy breasts and it's driving me mad!

Ah, and now I can think of nothing but you scratching your breasts. Thanks a bloody lot! :lol:

Cabbage leaves are generally good for later on in pregnancy, but if you have a couple spare, they might help you now. If nothing else, it'll keep them cool.

If Shakey manages to persuade Adam that shaving his head and making him look like a Romanian refugee again tonight, I will not be a happy bunny.

Edited by Lyn-Marie
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Was there a circle spray-painted around the pot-hole?

I'm sure there was a thread on here before about them, which said the councils basically have two answers to pot-hole claims. If it does have a circle round it, then they know about it and it'll be fixed as soon as possible but its not they're fault you've been unlucky and hit it before they could fix it, and if it isn't circled, then they haven't been notified about it so it can't possibly be their fault.

There was no circle around it. Every road around here is in a right fucking state. Normally I would have swerved/moved to avoid it but there was a tractor on the other side so it wasn't possible.

I'm just thankful I managed to keep control of the car, guy that fixed the wheel and tyre even said he was amazed that I never crashed because of the impact the wheel took.

First thing on monday mornign I'm phoning up the council to report it and get the necessary claim forms, already got photographic evidence of the damage to the wheel and will go and take a picture of the hole tomorrow.

Edited by proud2beabuddy
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Your own fault for not watching the road properly and going too fast.

Ah, and now I can think of nothing but you scratching your breasts. Thanks a bloody lot! :lol:

Cabbage leaves are generally good for later on in pregnancy, but if you have a couple spare, they might help you now. If nothing else, it'll keep them cool.

If Shakey manages to persuade Adam that shaving his head and making him look like a Romanian refugee again tonight, I will not be a happy bunny.

60 Mph limit so well within the speed limit ;) Hole was full of water so never saw it until too late - tractor coming in other direction so couldn't swerve.

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60 Mph limit so well within the speed limit ;) Hole was full of water so never saw it until too late - tractor coming in other direction so couldn't swerve.

I'm just teasing anyway. Potholes are a pain in the arse. Still, driving at 50 with a tractor coming towards you? Dafty. :P

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