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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I failed me HGV theory the other day. I was told it was just common sence and I would know everything from just driving on the road. Went in and they had questions on where to open fuel tankers, and what different signs on a tachograph mean.

Booked in again between Xmas and New Year. A little studying required.

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Guest The Phoenix
The DVLA are arsing me about <_<

I passed my test in September, and my examiner took my provisional licence from me, saying she'd fill out the application for the full licence and send it away, and I'd get my licence in, at most, 6 weeks.

Didn't hear anything back for 2 months, so I phoned the DVLA and was told that yes, they were told I'd passed my test, but hadn't received an application for a full licence. So I went down to the Post Office and filled out an application form, and sent it off.

Now they've written back and told me that I need to return my provisional before I can get a full licence. I don't have it! My driving examiner took it!

Fecking bitch <_<


I thought you had a sense of humour? :unsure:

Moany Fife tax dodging layabout. :rolleyes:

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Channel 5.

Had the Man Utd game on in the background earlier and couldn't be arsed changing the channel, but that "Going for Gold" has to be the worst telly programme I have ever seen.

Though some bint was asked for the capital of China and she didn't have a clue :lol:

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I drove to the gym wearing my swimming shorts and a t-shirt, but it was only in the pool that I realised I hadn't packed jeans/shorts to change into for the journey home so I had to drive back wearing soaking wet shorts and the car stinks of Chlorine.

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I thought you had a sense of humour? :unsure:

Moany Fife tax dodging layabout. :rolleyes:

Its been a fairly long time to sort out and my sense of humour is waning...

It was partially rejuvenated by the letter they sent me this morning, though.

"Hurry! You need a licence! Your test pass certificate expires soon!"

September 12th, 2010.

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The fat guy that sits near me at home games, he was at the Ross County game on Monday night and sat just abusing the linesman for 90 mins I dont think he watched 1 minute of the game. I dont have a problem with people abusing officials but when this guy had the cheek to ask to file an official complaint against the Berwick player that give our fans the finger when he got subbed a month or so ago I think he needs to get a grip. Firstly most of us normal folk would just laugh off the jesture by the Berwick player, especially after the ref had clocked it but then to have the cheek to sit and abuse the ref an linesman at every other game. The guys a w*nk, I dont think id be that botherd normally but the guy is one of those arrogant loudmouth types that I cant stand!

ahhh feels better :D

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is it just me, or are the so-called 'express checkouts', 'self scanners', 'self fuckin serve tills' or whatever the f**k they're called, in asda, the most annoying things ever? spent twice as long on one earlier typing in barcodes, than i would've been standing in a queue. nobbers :angry:

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is it just me, or are the so-called 'express checkouts', 'self scanners', 'self fuckin serve tills' or whatever the f**k they're called, in asda, the most annoying things ever? spent twice as long on one earlier typing in barcodes, than i would've been standing in a queue. nobbers :angry:

yup they are rubbish, as one with professional experience of using the devices I do find them a bit quicker, but they also potentially put a professional out of a job as the work arounds a professional might engage in the event of difficulty cant be done by the average punter thus a five minute -please wait for assistance- thing happens, which is annoying.

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Ach, you lot are just as bad

After an enjoyable evening with a young gentleman a couple of years ago, we had headed to the local greasy spoon only to bump into a burd he obviously knew well. He introduced me as a friend of one of his colleagues (which was, to be fair, true), and then introduced her as his fiancee. :lol:


I didn't deny that, I know we're not to be trusted.

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I didn't deny that, I know we're not to be trusted.

:P yerself.

I was only 21 at the time, fairly naive and thus quite shocked. I ended up shagging his far more attractive mate though :D

Aye, you're all absolute wankers :P

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That bloody cricket is still alive and well and is chreeping away under my floorboards where I can't get to it. <_<

What's even more worrying is that I think there may be more than 1. I'm sure I heard an "echo" when the lad was round on Tuesday night and he agrees with me. :( Scary times!

I remember seeing that in Frasier,the bought a Geko to catch it, you coud try that if you have a Geko to hand.

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