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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Someone told me the other day that I looked like a homeless man had wandered into work since I hadn't shaved in a few days, that was nice.

I popped into Somerfield a few months back for some for some lunch, sporting 3 days' growth and an old Parka. I was immediately accosted by a security guard who looked me up and down then in the most condescending manner intoned "Awright, mate?".

My reply of "I'm not a fucking shoplifter, for fuck's sake!" wasn't one of my more dignified moments.

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I popped into Somerfield a few months back for some for some lunch, sporting 3 days' growth and an old Parka. I was immediately accosted by a security guard who looked me up and down then in the most condescending manner intoned "Awright, mate?".

My reply of "I'm not a fucking shoplifter, for f**k's sake!" wasn't one of my more dignified moments.

I was asked to leave the Asda in Alloa due to the line 'no, I haven't paid for this, I travelled all the way to Alloa to steal a fucking newspaper'.

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I always seem to have an extra close eye kept on my by security guards despite the fact I look very respctable.

I also nearly always 'randomly' chose to be felt up at airport security control despite the fact i;ve never set the metal detector off.

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I always seem to have an extra close eye kept on my by security guards despite the fact I look very respctable.

I also nearly always 'randomly' chose to be felt up at airport security control despite the fact i;ve never set the metal detector off.

Edinburgh - Hamburg. One connection in Frankfurt. I was Searched 5 times.

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After a fairly horrific semester at Uni I have somehow managed to get a 2 for both Maths and Law. Just waiting on Finance now.

Top stuff, Gaz, I managed a 2 for Law as well :D Still waiting to hear about Management and Accounts. Think I'll probably get 2s for those as well, maybe a 3 for Accounts, I didn't bother taking a calculator and spent most of my time scribbling sums all over my paper.

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I was asked to leave the Asda in Alloa due to the line 'no, I haven't paid for this, I travelled all the way to Alloa to steal a fucking newspaper'.

From the court pages of the Airdrie and Coatbridge Advertiser, it appears that a paper is the only thing that a junkie hasn't been convicted of stealing form the local Asda.

Edinburgh - Hamburg. One connection in Frankfurt. I was Searched 5 times.

The good people of Hamburg want to ensure that only the best quality porn is offered in their city. They don't wan't a five year old copy of Razzle from the Glenrothes branch of WH Smith ffs. :P

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Top stuff, Gaz, I managed a 2 for Law as well :D Still waiting to hear about Management and Accounts. Think I'll probably get 2s for those as well, maybe a 3 for Accounts, I didn't bother taking a calculator and spent most of my time scribbling sums all over my paper.

Haha, that was like me and Economics. I also got a 2 for Law and was surprised since I barely answered the last question. This management paper is taking a rediculous amount of time to mark.

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People at work who make sarcastic comments when Im finished or there isnt a job for me and when Im working along ignoring everything other than the job in hand I turn round to face 5 office staff laughing at me.

Funny c***s.

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c***s continuing to use the phrase "credit crunch", or indeed the new abbreviated "the crunch".

The word you're looking for is "recession", you utter fuckwits. Ask yer dads.

Even more annoying is the sudden blossoming of armchair financial experts in pubs and offices across the country. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about chaps, so please do the honourable thing and let me do my work or drink my pint in peace.

On the upside, Woolies sold me a Jam CD for £1.50 last week. Every cloud and all that. :)

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