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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Don't think they will get the crowds at Dens they're hoping for despite the money they've spent.

If they get more than an average 4,500 I will be amazed, Jocky will f**k it up as usual and their crowds will dwindle, bet he is sacked before christmas as scumdee languish in 5th place as ICT walk the league.

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If they get more than an average 4,500 I will be amazed, Jocky will f**k it up as usual and their crowds will dwindle, bet he is sacked before christmas as scumdee languish in 5th place as ICT walk the league.

Buckie Thistle gubbed ICT the other day in a pre season friendly. Could easily have been 6-0.

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the missus lost my bank card last night, so that's $15 for a new one. I will be charged $3 at the branch to take money out, and I've cut myself shaving.

great start to the day <_<

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The wee b*****ds from last night have been back again and this time, not only switched off the traffic lights, but the street lights for a long stretch of the road as well. I can't be arsed phoning the police station again. Someone else can do it. <_<

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It appears my mother has herself a boyfriend.

Sad state of affairs when yer maw's getting more action than you are. I'm happy for her, but still.........

I saw a woman in Tesco who was easily about 6ft 4", im not entierly sure why I thought of you but I think I read about you going for the taller ladies...

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I saw a woman in Tesco who was easily about 6ft 4", im not entierly sure why I thought of you but I think I read about you going for the taller ladies...


That reminds me of something Naught A Chance said to me a few weeks ago. I couldn't possibly say what it was though, but it's nice to see fellow forumers thinking of me in their everyday lives!

Next time you see one that height, tell her to sign up and send a PM. ;)

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It appears my mother has herself a boyfriend.

Sad state of affairs when yer maw's getting more action than you are. I'm happy for her, but still.........

Sorry about that! But your mum is a bit of a goer!

I should have been more considerate before turning on my kilted charm! :unsure:

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That reminds me of something Naught A Chance said to me a few weeks ago. I couldn't possibly say what it was though, but it's nice to see fellow forumers thinking of me in their everyday lives!

Next time you see one that height, tell her to sign up and send a PM. ;)

Give me a card with something like


Taller than you, looking for fun and maybe more ;)


On it and I shall hand it out to all woman I see who are over 6" :D

Edited by Enigma
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Sorry about that! But your mum is a bit of a goer!

I should have been more considerate before turning on my kilted charm! :unsure:


Give me a card with something like


Taller than you, looking for fun and maybe more ;)


On it and I shall hand it out to all woman I see who are over 6" :D

Just print off my avatar and on the back write "Hey, sexy".

They'll collapse in a puddle.

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I know I should go to bed for the sake of my health at least but I'm not sleepy in the slightest! :(

And the motor sport commentator has just wished good luck the one "Lady Driver" in the race. Patronising, sexist pig! :angry:

Edit: She appears to be roasting them so far! :lol:

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Just as it was getting interesting, everyone's fúcked off to bed! <_<:(

Savo is a lightweight, Savo is a lightweight, Na na na na, Na na na na! :P:lol:

Oh Poo! :(

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The self service till at Tesco telling you there's an "unexpected item" in the bit where you put your shopping after you scan it, but there's nothing there and the staff, who just need to press a button to allow me to continue walk about like farts in a trance.

That said, my mate told me he was using it one day and sneezed, but couldn't cover his face in time and the same message came out right before he scanned his shopping :lol:

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