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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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:huh: Seriously mate, you're...

By the light that shines forth from Vectron, you light candles, devote yourself to the teaching of imaginary gods, call yourself a witch, and end every Vectron accursed post with "blessed be". And by Vectron, you call ME bonkers?

and what's the point in putting vectron in every sentence?

As the teachings of Vectron say, in for a penny, in for a pound. For Vectron!

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Guest Dunc?
By the light that shines forth from Vectron, you light candles, devote yourself to the teaching of imaginary gods, call yourself a witch, and end every Vectron accursed post with "blessed be". And by Vectron, you call ME bonkers?

As the teachings of Vectron say, in for a penny, in for a pound. For Vectron!

fafc1885 was off last Thursday...

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I'm so fucking hungover I honestly want to jump out of my window. I think I might still be drunk actually.

This. I have work in half an hour as well. Then fives. FUUUUUUCK.

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:o a sentence without Vectron in it!

By Vectrons golden halo, you're right! Truly, it is a sad day when there is a sentence which Vectron has not smiled upon. Praise to Vectron, only another 29 days of Vectron to go!

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Headphones. <_< <_<

Just went to stick my iPod on there, and one of the ear pieces is no longer working. I only bought them 4/5 weeks ago and cost me nearly £20. Fucking raging. :angry:

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By Vectrons golden halo, you're right! Truly, it is a sad day when there is a sentence which Vectron has not smiled upon. Praise to Vectron, only another 29 days of Vectron to go!

Of course it may seem longer.

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I'm so fucking hungover I honestly want to jump out of my window. I think I might still be drunk actually.

I also cried twice last night which was quite lame.


Because you're leaving, or was it just one of those had far too much to drink numbers and things start to look like shit?

I've had the latter a few times. I love the morning after cringe. Love it. I can't do it normally, I make a noise as well. I think if I make the noise, then I didn't really remember it.

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Because you're leaving, or was it just one of those had far too much to drink numbers and things start to look like shit?

I've had the latter a few times. I love the morning after cringe. Love it. I can't do it normally, I make a noise as well. I think if I make the noise, then I didn't really remember it.

Mainly because I'm leaving, but judging by the truly awful photos things were looking a bit shit!

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This could be a big one.

I went along to the bank about an hour ago to open a new account. My mother was going to the ASDA, so she told me to go find her when I was finished. I was in the queue and she past the bank and shouted on me, I was just about to be dealt with, so I told her to go on ahead and I'll find her, thinking that by the time it takes me to do what I have to do, she'll have finished and she'll be back up at the bank.

I get to the front and tell the guy I'm looking to open a new account.

Man - Right, no one can see you today I'm afraid.

Me - That's no problem.

Man - I can make an appointment for you now if you like?

Me - Yes please.

Man - What days would you be available?

Me - Well, I can't do Saturday, so apart from that I'm fine. Ideally it would be tomorrow.

Man - Right. We actually don't have anything until Tuesday.

Me - Okay, I'll do that then.

So I book an appointment for Tuesday. It's a little inconvenient because I have a gig on Tuesday, but it's not going to interfere with that, so that's fine. Now, I pass "Tim Land" in the Forge. They are showing an England vs Ireland game from god knows when. I hear two sellik fans inside the shop spouting a bit of bigotry. Nothing new there, I hear it all the time down my way, sadly. Then I pass the stereotypical fat, baldy, replica top clad human waste that is the Rangers fan. Now he's walking past giving it all the ****** b*****ds of the day.

I really, really hate the old firm. I hope they meet in the carpark and kick the shite out of each other.

Anyway, I go to ASDA and my mother is nowhere to be found. I try walking down every isle, then walking along the fish bit at the top where I can see down each isle as I pass. She's not there. I continue walking about like an idiot for nearly 15 minutes until I notice a security guard is trying to be subtle (and failing) following me. I make a turn then I see another security guard doing the same thing! I didn't have my mobile on me, so I couldn't phone her, and I didn't even have any money on me either to use a payphone.

I decide enough is enough and I leave. I'll go and find the car and wait there. Oh no I fuckng won't. I couldn't find the bugger no matter how far I looked, so I decided I'd walk it home. Now, it was quite nice when I left the house, if not a bit windy, so I'm only wearing a t-shirt.

No sooner have I left the Forge when it starts pishing down for about 2 minutes, soaking me. The rain stopped pretty sharpish, meaning I walked the rest of the way home absolutely wringing.

All this for a fucking bank account.

Could have been worse. You could have gone for a piss :ph34r:

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