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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Not long back from the hospital. Went up at 9am, took the b*****ds 11hrs to tell me i havent had a heart attack, which i could have told them right from the off. Soon as you mention chest pains they fucking shit themselves. Going to Egypt on wednesday and the b*****ds have shaved bits of my chest for the ECG. 2 hrs it took the doc, who looked 12years old to write a fucking letter so i could get discharged :(

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After 2 years on this forum, I've finally snapped and put three posters on ignore this week after getting fed up of their illiterate shite in our match threads.

I can't believe I've sunk to this. I feel like a grumpy old b*****d.

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After 2 years on this forum, I've finally snapped and put three posters on ignore this week after getting fed up of their illiterate shite in our match threads.

I can't believe I've sunk to this. I feel like a grumpy old b*****d.

By Vectron, its not a proper ignore unless you announce (preferably in several threads) which posters are to be ignored. Oh, and you should also insult them at the same time, while emphasising that they are on ignore. Otherwise by Vectron, you're not ignoring them properly.

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By Vectron, its not a proper ignore unless you announce (preferably in several threads) which posters are to be ignored. Oh, and you should also insult them at the same time, while emphasising that they are on ignore. Otherwise by Vectron, you're not ignoring them properly.

They're not getting the "pleasure" of knowing they've pissed me off enough for me to put them on ignore, to be honest.

I'm enjoying the whole fingers in the ears, lalalalalala type thing.

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What stand were you sitting in? Because if it's the South (Family) Stand then you can't even say so much as say jobby without being given a row. Even that though, that's nothing. In the Love St End last season I had my collar felt by a steward after shouting at Steven O'Donnell for attempting to shoot from 30 yards out, said shot sailed high into the stand. It was the last chance of the game I'm sure and wasted any chance of points.

"Steven what do you think you're doing? You can't score from there, you'll never score from there!!"

"HAWL! Stop swearing!" I was top row, made me an easy target. Big fat steward bitch standing behind me.


"Stop swearing, this is a family section."

"I didn't swear"

"Don't lie to me, you did"

"I didn't swear".

I was then proceded to be backed up by roughly 10 people or so sitting around me that I indeed hadn't swore, and in the words of one kind gentleman I've known for years, that she was a "stupid cow". :lol: She then backed down and fair enough apologised, but then told me to "watch my agression". :blink: The fact that a large proportion of the stand was looking round as the crowd had gone quiet was a bit embarassing. The following week at school I actually heard a wee guy say to his mate as he went past me "Here, that's the guy that got thrown out of Love St for swearing!". Well I wasn't thrown out, but talk about street cred. :P

Aye it was the south stand. I know its a terrible thing to say about fellow St Mirren supporters, but since we moved the the new ground there seems to be a far higher number of arseholes sitting in the south stand. Don't really want to move away though as the folk I sit with are a good bunch.

The stewarding is fucking ridiculous though, in the past I've had a wee midget wearing an orange jacket who looked about 15 years old inform me that "inbred" is a swear word and that if i continued to shout it I would be forcibly removed :lol::lol: I'd like to see you try was my reply.

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