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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix
I could be wrong, but is Michael W not the biggest "hardcore" fan we have?

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I believe Kilt is the biggest hardcore fan.

I win.

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aye, i do deal with it, the thing is though, they listen to worse music like hardcore shite and they think it's amazing

How. Dare. You. (unless you mean heavy metal, then I retract that remark)

I'm afraid I have to agree with you're pals on this one, although I'll spare Kasabian.

Dunc is correct.

Edited by Michael W
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How. Dare. You. (unless you mean heavy metal, then I retract that remark)

I'm afraid I have to agree with you're pals on this one, although I'll spare Kasabian.

Dunc is correct.

i mean both

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Yaas! stereotype central.

That, and the 'ned' comment are the to most common ignorant c**t remarks.

There is nothing wrong with the people that listen to it. Its there choice, all I am saying is imo is god awful.

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That, and the 'ned' comment are the to most common ignorant c**t remarks.

And eccies.

i mean both

Metal = no Dance = yes.

I can see why both would slag you - you listen to mainstream stuff which they'll likely brand tacky and rubbish. Just slag them off for liking pish music no-one likes! Except the ones who like dance music, of course.

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And eccies.

Metal = no Dance = yes.

I can see why both would slag you - you listen to mainstream stuff which they'll likely brand tacky and rubbish. Just slag them off for liking pish music no-one likes! Except the ones who like dance music, of course.

Now now, lay off the metal.

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And eccies.

Metal = no Dance = yes.

I can see why both would slag you - you listen to mainstream stuff which they'll likely brand tacky and rubbish. Just slag them off for liking pish music no-one likes! Except the ones who like dance music, of course.

they all like dance music

mtr, i just meant they like dance stuff, i misread the comment

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I really don't know how anyone can like hardcore of the dance variety. It's the sort of music that's almost palletable after about a dozen pills and lashings of real ale in a seedy club, but how can you just listen to it in your room for enjoyment?

Anything 'harder' than trance or non massive beat techno and I've got a sore head for about a week.

Edited by Fudge
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There is nothing wrong with the people that listen to it. Its there choice, all I am saying is imo is god awful.

This is fair comment.

However, most people actually have no idea how hard it actually is to produce a decent track; this is why the 'noise' remark irks me.

Speedcore is noise, that I'm prepared to concede!

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