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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Sky Broadband. It only gives me a reception in some places in my flat and even then the signal is poor.

Me anaw :lol:

Absolute disgrace. Go into the back room and 9/10 it goes down then need to wait 10-15 minutes for it to back up again.

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Boo fucking hoo ^

Don't get a window licking internet connection then.

This is the "Petty" thread.

What the boy's going through is far from petty but don't start acting the shite because of what someone else has posted.

Edited by Gaz
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My phone's decided it no longer wants to charge, and it's got one bar left.

Looks like I'll be popping into the 3 Store tomorrow and see if they can rectify the problem.

Edited by Smurph
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I've never had so much as a murmur from mine, runs smooth as fuck. What's happaened to your?

checking my emails in edinburgh yesterday and the screen frooze and now its gone blank,im going to have to get something more reliable as i missed a couple of important emails and calls from work,looks like im going to have to get a blackberry as my work wants me to have one and my argument has always been an iphone is just as good wont wash anymore <_<

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checking my emails in edinburgh yesterday and the screen frooze and now its gone blank,im going to have to get something more reliable as i missed a couple of important emails and calls from work,looks like im going to have to get a blackberry as my work wants me to have one and my argument has always been an iphone is just as good wont wash anymore <_<

If it's the same place yer buying your i-phone from and there are continuous problems, it's probably the retailers fault. Three mates bought their i-phone from a shop in Stirling over the last year or so and none of them have had any problems.

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Blackberrys are a pain in the arse for freezing, doulikefish. I've been having lots of problems with my iPod touch recently. Freezes, etc etc.

What to do is, hold in the 'on' button and the 'home' button at the same time, and it will turn off, then do it again and your up and running. It resets it (well, not completly, reboot it) All your apps, emails, numbers and texts etc are all still there.

tried it,no joy!!

from there point of view,non of the people with blackberries have nearly fecked up a massive deal because there screens have frozen,so ive no choice but to toe the line with this one im afraid

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