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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Such a crappy day due to the lack of football fixtures. This must be what it feels like to be a poof or a woman.


Had an accident in my car :(

Don't worry yourself Keith, the seats will dry out in no time.

Seriously though, hope it's not a bad one.

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Being hungover to f**k and waking up with blood on my covers.

Mate was in a fight last night outside the Centenary and me being probably the greatest citizen ever had to split it up and it worked well.

Also had a minor house party last night, which leaves loads of bottles and cans needing cleared and my mum needs to use the kitchen for making me my fucking fry up.

I hate hangovers. sad.gif

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Being hungover to f**k and waking up with blood on my covers.

Mate was in a fight last night outside the Centenary and me being probably the greatest citizen ever had to split it up and it worked well.

Also had a minor house party last night, which leaves loads of bottles and cans needing cleared and my mum needs to use the kitchen for making me my fucking fry up.

I hate hangovers. sad.gif

It's a hard life indeed.

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Failing to realise that drinking vodka and red bull all night, topped off with a coffee upon getting home, is not conducive to a good night's sleep. The icing on the cake of cunting annoyingness, was finally drifting off at 5.30am, only to wake up half an hour later bursting for a pish. I've been up ever since.

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I can never sleep for long when I'm drunk.

I went to bed at 5 last night and was up for 10.30. On a normal day, I'd sleep 'til around 2 or 3, I dislike it.

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Spewing my ring out onto the carpet in my flat. It's cleaned up but the smell is still there. My 100% record of not chundering has gone. A sad day indeed.

Edited to add:-

No hangover though. Just feel like I'm going to spew my ring out again. Fucking dirty pint.

Edited by yoda
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The impending clean-up is also a petty thing getting on my nerves. I wandered through to the kitchen for the first time today to find 4 bodies, a mountain of jackets/bags, a fort made out of empty beer/cider tins ( 8) ) and the floors are sticky. Oh and the smell of drink, sweat and I'm guessing sick, is horrific.

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Certainly sir.

Although I can not find my bin.

I was at my mates 18th and my mates dared me to dance with the fat girl, being the noble man I am, I did, but I didn't have the heart to keep going so I left her on the middle of the dance floor.

Rough as f**k. Compounded by the error of having a cigarette. I doubt I'll making that mistake again for a while.

You made that mistake the other week, I think?

On the hangover thread... unsure.gif

Tell me I'm right.

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Yees are all jessies!

I was on snakebites, lager and Southern Comfort/Jack Daniels all night whilst fending off the romantic attempts of some sixty year old bike.

I wasn't ''pishin the ceiling'' or ''shitting in urinals'' drunk, but was definitely getting there.

Fresh as a daisy now mind you. :D:D

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Being hungover to f**k and waking up with blood on my covers.

Mate was in a fight last night outside the Centenary and me being probably the greatest citizen ever had to split it up and it worked well.

Also had a minor house party last night, which leaves loads of bottles and cans needing cleared and my mum needs to use the kitchen for making me my fucking fry up.

I hate hangovers. sad.gif

A guy with a second name Easson's 18th party, was it?

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