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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Oh no it's getting serious now is it? Oh I better stop then, sorry to have offended you. Are you his brother or something?

even if the guy is a dick there is no need to start slagging off his parents splitting for f**k sake hes 16 hes probably devasted by that news have a bit of respect

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even if the guy is a dick there is no need to start slagging off his parents splitting for f**k sake hes 16 hes probably devasted by that news have a bit of respect

If your so outraged, why bring it up again ?

Can you not see the lad is sensitive ?

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Your posts are beginning with code characters, which usually happens if someone is posting from behind a proxy server.

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Your posts are beginning with code characters, which usually happens if someone is posting from behind a proxy server.

He's mentioned before it's when he posts from his phone it does that.

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