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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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It makes me laugh when women say things like that. Why would you speak about things like that in public?

It's like when we where in a pub in Glasgow a while back and some bint was out with a few people from work and she was going on about her being a lesbian in a rather loud voice,like I need or the rest of the pub needed to know that. :blink:

Might have to go back to the same pub with everyone I can muster, get absolutely rat-arsed and start comparing at full volume the tightness, hairyness and texture of every fanny I've ever encountered.

Just as a social experiment like.

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In quick succession, I just saw a guy letting his dog piss up the side of a car, had a woman stop suddenly in front of me making me almost walk into her followed by marginally missing a big pile of fresh dogshite, probably courtesy of the forementioned mink.

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The way people were filling there trolleys i thought it was armageddon!!! "Do people really go through 20 bottles of diet irn bru on xmas day??

If there was similar amounts of Monster Munch in there, I would say that the Boyd's are expecting Kris home in time for Christmas

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Some folk will have genuine reasons for supporting a team about 200 miles away but I always presume that there is a weakness in people who have to allign themselves to success.

Support your shitey home town team and be miserable like the rest of us you glory hunting c***s!

dont get me started, had a discussion (alcohol fuelled) with scotty in the pub about that kind of thing. he thinks it's wrong for me to support both sunderland and raith. there are connections between the 2 teams, and i can hardly be called a glory hunter!!

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my kitten and her aversion to :

a) the blinds being open

b) the christmas tree remaining upright.

c) the puppy sleeping

d) the tortoise sleeping

pain in the arse cat

When our cat was younger she used to love climbing into the Christmas trree. She tried it this year and almost knocked it over. :lol:

Might have to go back to the same pub with everyone I can muster, get absolutely rat-arsed and start comparing at full volume the tightness, hairyness and texture of every fanny I've ever encountered.

Just as a social experiment like.

It's like when someone is on a bus and they are speaking to someone on the phone and they say they are on the bus very loud. It's like no shit,your on a bus and everyone can hear what your talking about. :blink:

Edit: Our cat trying to get into the Christmas tree.


Edited by saints1884
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dont get me started, had a discussion (alcohol fuelled) with scotty in the pub about that kind of thing. he thinks it's wrong for me to support both sunderland and raith. there are connections between the 2 teams, and i can hardly be called a glory hunter!!

Especially since Sunderland are utter shite and have no glory whatsoever! ;)

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I have joggers nipple and as I don't jog I haven't a clue how it happened.

"Other names

Jogger's nipple is also known as runner's nipple, surfer's nipple, red eleven, raver's nipple, big Q's, red nipple, weightlifter's nipple and gardener's nipple, or nipple chafe. There are similar colloquial terms for almost any activity that can result in the condition."

Maybe you've been raving a bit too hard?

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"Other names

Jogger's nipple is also known as runner's nipple, surfer's nipple, red eleven, raver's nipple, big Q's, red nipple, weightlifter's nipple and gardener's nipple, or nipple chafe. There are similar colloquial terms for almost any activity that can result in the condition."

Maybe you've been raving a bit too hard?

A boy at my school lost a large part of his nipple one day, it just fell off. It grew back.

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There's something about the post-feminist, Sex in the City/Loose Women era that makes it impossible to go anywhere without being disturbed by a bunch of horrible old kunts.

As an example, if me and 10 mates were to stroll into this small pub/restaurant near me, get absolutely melted at 5pm and conduct an extremely loud, sweary-laden conversation, which mostly focused on the goriest details of our sex lives, we would be quite correctly labelled as obnoxious louts.

Wheras for some reason, the large group of middle class and middle age creatures who seemed to be delivering a press conference about their partners dick sizes, probably see themselves as 'sassy', 'powerful women who know what they want' *snaps fingers*

Disclaimer: I hate all people who are ridiculously over-loud in quiet places, not just women. For some reason though what would get young men chucked out, gets old women a complimentary round.

You go, girl

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c***s who think wearing stone island automatically makes them a ticket. Just been out in Alloa and bumped I to two c***s at the bar who think there a ticket until I offer them outside and they then shite there selfs and start all the usual calm down big man I'm only having a joke shite. Then I get the ex coming up to me asking how the f**k im doing! Well seeing as you fucking Walked out on me two months ago whilst all the shit I've went through with my mental health over the past 18 months then im doing great ya c**t. Seeing the look o. Her face wad nice when I called her a c**t and then told her sisters to fick off. A fucking boot of a family and a sorry excuse for a human being. I give her five year before she's either a junkie or on Jeremy Kyle. Well that's a year I've been o. The anti depressants and happy fucking birthday to you mr martazipene you mind numbing sleep disturbing flashback making c**t.

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