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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Can't get to sleep at all and tomorrow I'm doing a 14 hour shift! Great

I feel your pain. One day i will learn that spending the entire weekend boozing all night and sleeping all day is not conducive to being fit for work on a Monday morning. That day is some distance away though, I fear.

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The online passport application process.

So slow to load pages and then when you submit the application, you don't get any confirmation that it's been submitted successfully or not as it just goes to some random Home Office passport information page.

So you go through it again to make sure it's been done.

Could be my laptop, could be my internet connection but it took me nearly an hour.

I've got another two to do for my kids but the thought of doing it again fills me with dread.

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My neighbour was playing his saxaphone at 3am the other night, which annoyed my light sleeping wife no end. She put up a rather sarcastic note, probably ill advised, but the guy wrote on it "Why don't you just come and speak to us if you have a problem instead of leaving notes?" and then his mate has taken it down. We must've spoken to them seven or eight times about noise in the past year so there's clearly no point in coming to speak you you cunts.

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My neighbour was playing his saxaphone at 3am the other night, which annoyed my light sleeping wife no end. She put up a rather sarcastic note, probably ill advised, but the guy wrote on it "Why don't you just come and speak to us if you have a problem instead of leaving notes?" and then his mate has taken it down. We must've spoken to them seven or eight times about noise in the past year so there's clearly no point in coming to speak you you c***s.

Slap him in a kimura.

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My neighbour was playing his saxaphone at 3am the other night, which annoyed my light sleeping wife no end. She put up a rather sarcastic note, probably ill advised, but the guy wrote on it "Why don't you just come and speak to us if you have a problem instead of leaving notes?" and then his mate has taken it down. We must've spoken to them seven or eight times about noise in the past year so there's clearly no point in coming to speak you you cunts.

For £10 I'll go round and chin whoever is responsible. Thereafter it's £5 for any extra person you would like butted.

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My neighbour was playing his saxaphone at 3am the other night, which annoyed my light sleeping wife no end. She put up a rather sarcastic note, probably ill advised, but the guy wrote on it "Why don't you just come and speak to us if you have a problem instead of leaving notes?" and then his mate has taken it down. We must've spoken to them seven or eight times about noise in the past year so there's clearly no point in coming to speak you you cunts.

Slyly do a shite into his saxophone, one of those ones after you've had a lethal curry. The combination of the moment he's discovered it and the satisfaction knowing he won't be playing it tonight make for perfect comic, and just revenge as you drift off to sleep.

Edited by the jambo-rocker
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My neighbour was playing his saxaphone at 3am the other night, which annoyed my light sleeping wife no end. She put up a rather sarcastic note, probably ill advised, but the guy wrote on it "Why don't you just come and speak to us if you have a problem instead of leaving notes?" and then his mate has taken it down. We must've spoken to them seven or eight times about noise in the past year so there's clearly no point in coming to speak you you c***s.

Introduce Moffat to them. They'll probably move.

Edited by dave258
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