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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Just when you thought you'd seen it all on the roads, i had to slow down my van today to pass by a hundred pilgrims, some carrying a 12 ft x 6 ft wooden cross on their backs

Got loads of local glory hunting Celtic fans, singing songs and generally being dicks, walking past my flat every few minutes.

Fucking arseholes.

This may be from the same area.

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Got loads of local glory hunting Celtic fans, singing songs and generally being dicks, walking past my flat every few minutes.

Fucking arseholes.

I normally pop in The Vaults for a few pints on the way home from work on a Saturday. Avoided the place like the plague today.

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Got loads of local glory hunting Celtic fans, singing songs and generally being dicks, walking past my flat every few minutes.

Fucking arseholes.

There's been a few cars going past my flat with green and white scarves and flags hanging out the windows. Weren't there last week, oddly.

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The difference between men and woman?. Went for a lovely walk wi the granddaughter today in the pappoos ( sling). All the woman I know who went past me in their car, waved their hand, fully knowing that my wee Ava might be sleeping. All the arsehole men tooted their fucking horns when they were level with me, frightening the shit out the bairn. Well done the lasses on this one lol

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Illiterate Celtic fans who take the sentence on twitter 'Four words I don't want to hear: Rangers aren't going bust' to mean, I'm a Rangers fan and delusional.. :huh:

Remember, if you're not with them then you're against them.

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Just had a guy cold calling at the front door, his first question was "are you the home owner?"

I said I wasn't interested and he looked so pissed off "in what?"

"I don't care, I never deal with cold callers, now I've not been abusive I'm just not interested"

He was tuting and shaking his head as he left, what a fuckin dick. Knocking on my door totally uninvited with the sole purpose of getting me to part with money and I was nice to him and he acts like I spat in his face.

If he tried to stop me in the street I'd hold up my hand and keep walking but because he's knocked my door I'm expected to stand and listen to his shit.

Fucking hate the parasites that are cold calling salesmen.

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I agree with stimpy, the worst ones are the ones that call the landline, I I've had many a fallout with these parasites, now I don't even listen to the and tell them to "f**k off"

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Only doing his job really.

I obviously wasn't interested but instead of, sorry to have bothered you and moving on I got attitude which was uncalled for.

You wouldn't put up with that in a shop, going in for milk and the shopkeeper trying to sell you bread you don't want and not taking no for an answer and giving you loads of grief.

However I should put up with it in my own home?

Yes, this is a raw nerve.

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I agree with stimpy, the worst ones are the ones that call the landline, I I've had many a fallout with these parasites, now I don't even listen to the and tell them to "f**k off"

I signed up for TPS a while back and it's made no difference. I remember this being mentioned on here not too long ago and it basically came down to the fact that if they're calling from India then TPS is a waste of time.

Under this rule however, can I swear at them and not get busted or is this still bad under Scots law?

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I agree with stimpy, the worst ones are the ones that call the landline, I I've had many a fallout with these parasites, now I don't even listen to the and tell them to "f**k off"

If you wouldn't tell a stranger to f**k off in the street, why is it ok to tell a stranger to f**k off over the phone before they've even started talking?

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If you wouldn't tell a stranger to f**k off in the street, why is it ok to tell a stranger to f**k off over the phone before they've even started talking?

Public places are full of annoying people and you expect to meet some. The only annoying people in your own home should be your wife and kids.

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If I get a phonecall I just hang up, that way I don't have to listen to their pitch and they don't have to waste time on a definite no sale.

TPS is a list that companies subscribe to so doesn't stop local kitchen or double glazing firms just going through the phone book.

I never wanted to go x directory but it has pretty much cut out those types of cold call but not the "Microsoft" software support calls from India.

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Public places are full of annoying people and you expect to meet some. The only annoying people in your own home should be your wife and kids.

But telling a call centre worker to f**k off without letting them explain their call is a poor show, it's not like call centre workers chose to work there so they could personally annoy people.

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But telling a call centre worker to f**k off without letting them explain their call is a poor show, it's not like call centre workers chose to work there so they could personally annoy people.

If you're in any line of business that involves pissing people off then you've got to be willing to take it. It's like being a referee - abuse is part of the package.

I've never actually sworn at any of these guys down the phone yet but I'm getting closer to it by the day. The new breed have started phoning me up at about 9am at the weekend while I'm trying to get a long lie. These guys deserve whatever they get.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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