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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Having someone make you leave a club early for an 'afterparty' which you need to get a £10 taxi just to get to a flat which happens to be 'dry' (well, one can of strongbow split between 7 tea cups), then having to get a £20 taxi home. Very, very, VERY unimpressed.

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Having someone make you leave a club early for an 'afterparty' which you need to get a £10 taxi just to get to a flat which happens to be 'dry' (well, one can of strongbow split between 7 tea cups), then having to get a £20 taxi home. Very, very, VERY unimpressed.

I remember scenarios like that from my younger single days... it was usually only something that id gamble on if there was a chance of getting fired into a young (or old ;) ) lady.

Sometimes with success but more often than not met with failure.

Stirlings a big university town and i and a mate were once invited back to a flat full of tidy, presumably gagging for it tax dodgers.

After about five minutes i spewed rings round myself all over the carpet and partly on a young hottie.... :( .... Bad times.

We were told to leave immediately.

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I remember scenarios like that from my younger single days... it was usually only something that id gamble on if there was a chance of getting fired into a young (or old ;) ) lady.

Sometimes with success but more often than not met with failure.

Stirlings a big university town and i and a mate were once invited back to a flat full of tidy, presumably gagging for it tax dodgers.

After about five minutes i spewed rings round myself all over the carpet and partly on a young hottie.... :( .... Bad times.

We were told to leave immediately.

Needs more phone catching IMO.

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That is why i don't go on work night's out.

Before becoming a tax-dodging b*****d, I used to avoid work nights out like the clap. Almost always you will get someone who makes a rip roaring c**t of themself (probably me if I went), you piss your fellow workmates off and you have a heavy dose of the fear for weeks afterwards. I worked in a place that would have team bonding nights out every couple of months. As most people went, they offered double time the following day for those who didn't go, or who still fancied a shift whilst hungover. The stories the following day were always brilliant, including one wee ned boy trying to chat up the MD's wife (Christmas night out). Amazingly, he didn't get the sack, or his hole.

Most of them are decent but there's a handful that only want to chat about work. We were out Thursday and bumped into the finance team who were on some official night out - company paid for and classed as "networking". Whilst I was happy to get a few drinks at the company's expense, the atmosphere was shite. There were a few senior people out and a whole of arselicking was going on. I'd rather just have a laugh when I go out and be judged on the job I do, rather than who I cosy in with.

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People who live in the dark ages. Me and the wife have a lodger at the moment, temporarily. John is gay, which me and the wife have no issues with. He pays rent, does his share of everything etc. however the drivers at my work seem to think its funny for some reason, coming out with childish stuff like "ooh, does yet lodger play with you when the wife's out" or "he's not gay, it's just a front so he can shag yer wife when yer out". Fucksake, stuff like that was maybe "banter" years ago, but it's just shit. Thing is, how do i tell them to shut the f**k up without falling out with them??

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People who live in the dark ages. Me and the wife have a lodger at the moment, temporarily. John is gay, which me and the wife have no issues with. He pays rent, does his share of everything etc. however the drivers at my work seem to think its funny for some reason, coming out with childish stuff like "ooh, does yet lodger play with you when the wife's out" or "he's not gay, it's just a front so he can shag yer wife when yer out". Fucksake, stuff like that was maybe "banter" years ago, but it's just shit. Thing is, how do i tell them to shut the f**k up without falling out with them??

Ooh get you ya bitch :D

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Why? He's got a gay and a woman in the house. he's spoilt for choice. Although he better be quick if the blokes only gay for a wee while.

Where did it say he was only gay for a wee while? How does that work then? What happens if you have a cock in each hand and you suddenly turn straight? That's gonna be awkward.

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Where did it say he was only gay for a wee while? How does that work then? What happens if you have a cock in each hand and you suddenly turn straight? That's gonna be awkward.

He said back a few posts " John is temporarily gay". It's probably just a phase. Either that or he's not gay and he's just helping out 'cos they're busy.

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