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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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When people refer to the 'last Ice Age' when they're actually referring to the one we're still in. dry.gif

All this ice all around the polar regions ain't actually normal folks.

4 boys at my work got paid off today, and an annoucement is getting made on Tuesday. I am shiting it.

Gads min, horrible situation. I'd been worrying about that for a wee bit because I'd been non-billable in my work for a good while. Couldn't get to sleep some nights. sad.gif

Hope it turns out alright for you.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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Women who stand in a supermarket checkout queue either staring into space or have their face pressed into their mobile phone texting some kind of banality to their friends. Only when they have packed their shopping into their bags do they then decide to root about their handbag looking for either money or their debit card. The vacuous bints always look like a startled deer caught in the headlights when the checkout operator quite rightly asks them for money. Out comes the make up, keys, phone, fucking money-off vouchers, cuddly toy, fanny pads, old receipts, and hankies before they locate their means of payment.

I, and dare I say it, the rest of the male species stand in the fucking queue holding my debit card or a suitably sized note in my hand, ready for the forthcoming monetary transaction. Gets on my nads time after time.

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Women who stand in a supermarket checkout queue either staring into space or have their face pressed into their mobile phone texting some kind of banality to their friends. Only when they have packed their shopping into their bags do they then decide to root about their handbag looking for either money or their debit card. The vacuous bints always look like a startled deer caught in the headlights when the checkout operator quite rightly asks them for money. Out comes the make up, keys, phone, fucking money-off vouchers, cuddly toy, fanny pads, old receipts, and hankies before they locate their means of payment.

I, and dare I say it, the rest of the male species stand in the fucking queue holding my debit card or a suitably sized note in my hand, ready for the forthcoming monetary transaction. Gets on my nads time after time.

This, only to add the stupid mare that has her handbag hanging off her elbow, which means she's loading bags with one hand.

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Women who stand in a supermarket checkout queue either staring into space or have their face pressed into their mobile phone texting some kind of banality to their friends. Only when they have packed their shopping into their bags do they then decide to root about their handbag looking for either money or their debit card. The vacuous bints always look like a startled deer caught in the headlights when the checkout operator quite rightly asks them for money. Out comes the make up, keys, phone, fucking money-off vouchers, cuddly toy, fanny pads, old receipts, and hankies before they locate their means of payment.

I, and dare I say it, the rest of the male species stand in the fucking queue holding my debit card or a suitably sized note in my hand, ready for the forthcoming monetary transaction. Gets on my nads time after time.

I'll see you that, and raise you pensioners in ATM queues who take a fucking millenium to get their cash, then fumble around for ANOTHER card from their fur-lined purse and repeat the process.

The dinosaurs are not extinct because they had egg-sized brains and couldn't cope with climate change, or caught some highly infectious disease: the poor fuckers were stuck behind Sadie and Senga outside the bank. :angry:

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There's a thing i've noticed whilst watching recent TV programmes and movies that's getting right on my tits. It seems that when a sequence calls for something to be filmed at night, instead of, you know, waiting till it's fucking dark, they seem to shoot the scene whilst it's quite obviously still daytime then make it dark in post production. If there's a torch or some kind of light required it appears to be CGI'd in.

It's really quite jarringly obvious and takes you out of whatever you're watching.

I was watching The Expendables on DVD last night (best, worst film ever btw) and I watched a couple of the special features, which had outakes from scenes shot in broad daylight, that in the movie were supposed to be the middle of the night.

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Women who stand in a supermarket checkout queue either staring into space or have their face pressed into their mobile phone texting some kind of banality to their friends. Only when they have packed their shopping into their bags do they then decide to root about their handbag looking for either money or their debit card. The vacuous bints always look like a startled deer caught in the headlights when the checkout operator quite rightly asks them for money. Out comes the make up, keys, phone, fucking money-off vouchers, cuddly toy, fanny pads, old receipts, and hankies before they locate their means of payment.

I, and dare I say it, the rest of the male species stand in the fucking queue holding my debit card or a suitably sized note in my hand, ready for the forthcoming monetary transaction. Gets on my nads time after time.

If I was a police officer, which I'm not, but if I was, and I was called to an incident at a supermarket where a man had shoved a womans head through the shop window and shoved a full trolley up her arse due to his sheer frustration at the above scenario, I would charge the woman with provocative conduct.

I would also throw in a breach of the peace for good measure.

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A Celtic fan on my facebook the other day, who was in Portugal for their champions league game, posing behind a Celtic scarf that says "f**k you Rangers!". Why would you do that? Can you not just enjoy being where you are while they struggle, rather than look continually obsessed with them? The funny thing is, he claimed he wouldn't miss them when they went tits up, "the rivalry with hearts is bigger than the rivalry with Rangers", supposedly.

The aforementioned is also a member of the green brigade. An all round tosser.

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Wages were late, very late in going into bank today, thus plunging into an unauthorized overdraft.

Boss not interested in the fact I may have to pay a charge.

Shite Friday :(

Phone the bank. It's not your fault the wages went in late. Get the charge reversed. I've done it before. Who do you bank with?

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It certainly won't do any harm to phone them, tbh. All you can do us ask, and say how loyal a customer you've been and in these tough times your money is so crucial and at this time of year etc etc. It won't be their policy to waive any charge in these circumstances, but they may well do if they hear of your 'situation'.

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