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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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People who wear Muay Thai shorts at the gym when they aren't in a training session has moved up in my gym hate list over people who wear full football kit, it just seems to be an excuse to let everyone know that you are hard and do a niche sport when in reality it highlights that you are a throbber of the highest order. What's wrong with normal shorts ffs?

The same person I saw today also started taking selfies on an ipad, is doing combat sports just about letting everyone else know you kick/punch people for fun so dinnae mess rather than actually being any good at it.

Anyone who takes selfies on an ipad at the gym deserves to be kicked and punched for fun, that is abhorrent behaviour.

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Anyone who takes selfies on an ipad at the gym deserves to be kicked and punched for fun, that is abhorrent behaviour.

But he does Mauy Thai. Haven't you heard...

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What do you prefer to those? Would you rather people constantly cursing? Willy is fair enough, but the others are all commonly used acceptable words.

Pee isn't as bad as poo. Poo is the noise a child makes when they smell it. It's not to be used by grown adults describing bodily movements.

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Defo. You can add "pee", "poo", "willy" and "bum" to the list. Cringeworthy.

That just threw the annoying catchy video of "winky winky bum bum poo poo titty titty winky winky bum bum bum" into my mind. Damn you.

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Pee isn't as bad as poo. Poo is the noise a child makes when they smell it. It's not to be used by grown adults describing bodily movements.

I've never heard a child go "poo" when they smell a poo. I'd say it was pew, if anything. What would you prefer people to say? "I'm away for a..."

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Recently got laid off so signed on, online, on Friday. Just got a call from Universal Credit, told them to GTF thinking it was a cold call from a credit company, and hang up. Then it clicked, but they don't accept return calls. Whoops.

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Anyone who takes selfies on an ipad at the gym deserves to be kicked and punched for fun, that is abhorrent behaviour.

Just taking photos on an iPad outwith the home environment should be a criminal offence.

I've seen tourists abroad wandering about the streets with their iPads held up taking pictures of landmarks. If only someone took a photo of them to show how ridiculous they look.

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I've never heard a child go "poo" when they smell a poo. I'd say it was pew, if anything. What would you prefer people to say? "I'm away for a..."

As Hedgecutter says, jobby.. or indeed shite, crap, dump etc. I can't help but think that if the person you're talking to is offended at the word "shite", they'll probably not want to know what you plan to do in the toilet anyway.

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Guest The Phoenix

Recently got laid off so signed on, online, on Friday. Just got a call from Universal Credit, told them to GTF thinking it was a cold call from a credit company, and hang up. Then it clicked, but they don't accept return calls. Whoops.

... jobby!

Seekers Allowance.

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As Hedgecutter says, jobby.. or indeed shite, crap, dump etc. I can't help but think that if the person you're talking to is offended at the word "shite", they'll probably not want to know what you plan to do in the toilet anyway.

I'd sooner say jobby to a child than poo.

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Just to change the subject slightly, I remember getting skelped round the back of the head at Sunday School once because we had to read a passage from the Book of Job.

edit: I meant I got skelped cos I was sniggering, I didn't get skelped just for fun of it.

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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Was at a friends last night and was starting to nod off. I decided it was probably time to head home but he ended up pulling out another joint. It would be rude to say no so after about half an hour I fell asleep ( right bundle of laughs me ). I woke up not long after and headed down the road and went to bed. Looked in the mirror this morning and I have a big straight line shaved off at my left ear. Seething isn't the word

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Was at a friends last night and was starting to nod off. I decided it was probably time to head home but he ended up pulling out another joint. It would be rude to say no so after about half an hour I fell asleep ( right bundle of laughs me ). I woke up not long after and headed down the road and went to bed. Looked in the mirror this morning and I have a big straight line shaved off at my left ear. Seething isn't the word

Could be worse, have you checked "downstairs"?

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1. Radio jocks that fucking insist on yacking all the way through the intro to songs and only shut it once the vocals kick in. Being an auld c**t, this annoyance of mine began way back in 70's with that twat Tony Blackburn. Christ, he'd blether on with the most idiotic shite, usually a paean to his wife, and I'd miss the intro to some Lynyrd Skynyrd or John Miles track that had a big intro. These days it's Ken Bruce who should be tarred and feathered for his crimes against intros. He'd talk the arse off a donkey, so he would. :thumbsdown:guns

2. Someone a few posts back mentioned noisy eaters...well, aye, that's a PITA but even worse are folk that are heavy handed cutlery users / clanky plate types.....you know, they try to cut a boiled tattie in two and end up almost severing the fucking plate in half with a bang. Also, the 'scrapy gravy' brigade that absofeckinglootely MUST get every atom of gravy off their plate and into their fat faces, taking an eternity of plate-scraping agony to do so........being trapped in a restaurant with one of these guys at the next table is like The Seventh Circle of Hell.......actually happened to me once, I leaned over and in an attempt at levity in order to bring down my blood pressure, I said "Aye, that plate used to have a pattern on it...." Nae sense o' humour, these c***s.

3. Keys / Pocket change jinglers. Usually older guys. They inhabit all the places where a bit of peace and quiet is appreciated, e.g. snooker halls, first tee at the golf course, bowling greens, libraries.......WTF is it with these people ?

You've got half a kilo or so of shrapnel in your pocket so the first thing to do is start rattling it around for minutes at a time ? :angry:

4. And don't get me started on folk wi' mobiles on the bus.

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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^^^ on that last point, it stuns me that some folk can have private conversations on the bus that ~20 other people are listening in to every single word.

That said, I'm convinced that some just talk and pretend there's someone on the end of the line just to 'show off'.

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