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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I know a lassie called Mhairi and she has the most tremendous set of blow job lips.

Very distracting in meetings.

I'm sure it's more distracting the others at the meeting , could you not do in the tea cupboard?

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Clients that just turn up out the blue and expect you to give them all your time. Chinese agency arrived at the office today (I was out), received a phone call had to drop everything to go see these bunch....they had flew all the way from China without notify me! WTF, their going to be here for 3 days!!!

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Clients that just turn up out the blue and expect you to give them all your time. Chinese agency arrived at the office today (I was out), received a phone call had to drop everything to go see these bunch....they had flew all the way from China without notify me! WTF, their going to be here for 3 days!!!

A great bunch of lads.

Is this the plot of a sitcom where you have to entertain your unexpected Chinese guests at the same time as your old grandad who hates the japs is in the house and you have to keep them apart?

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People called mhairi or more specifically the parents of people called mhairi showing their complete ignorance of Gaelic.

The name is Mairi. Mhairi is only used in the vocative case where the name needs to be lenited by adding the h.

This is the same for Hamish but no one is called Hamish these days.

And is it not pronounced like a V when lenited.

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And is it not pronounced like a V when lenited.

Yes it is. Equally bizarrely I have also seen people kicking about now called Vairi.

I suppose the Hamish thing is a valid name now as it has been about for years but sheumais is just the vocative form of seumas.

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Clients that just turn up out the blue and expect you to give them all your time. Chinese agency arrived at the office today (I was out), received a phone call had to drop everything to go see these bunch....they had flew all the way from China without notify me! WTF, their going to be here for 3 days!!!

Are you showing them how you fill your day by posting on here?

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A great bunch of lads.

Is this the plot of a sitcom where you have to entertain your unexpected Chinese guests at the same time as your old grandad who hates the japs is in the house and you have to keep them apart?

Surely that'll be ideal, especially if they are of the similar generation as they could discuss why they don't like the Japanese...

Or have i just been whooshed...

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Surely that'll be ideal, especially if they are of the similar generation as they could discuss why they don't like the Japanese...

Or have i just been whooshed...

That's the final scene. They actually do bump into each tother and the chinaman explains he hates the japs too but probably with a lot more racist phrase. Cue grandad and the Chinese sitting down for some sweet and sour pork balls and a big laugh whilst our protagonist makes a silly face and falls over exasperated. Roll credits

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Public buses (specifically coaches) which have special designs for certain routes but aren't actually using that route.

E.g. A 201 bus along Deeside using the bus with 'X7 Coast Rider' (usually for Dundee) all over it.

So very nearly let that one pass by me before a last second halt.

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Public buses (specifically coaches) which have special designs for certain routes but aren't actually using that route.

E.g. A 201 bus along Deeside using the bus with 'X7 Coast Rider' (usually for Dundee) all over it.

So very nearly let that one pass by me before a last second halt.

Stagecoach Aberdeen seems to be very short of buses up here just now. I've seen the blue megabus several times recently doing Aberdeen - Westhill (out that way anyway). I asked one of the First drivers about this and he says they are so short of buses they're having to.

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I didn't get the email from DVLA saying we have now scrapped indicating.

I've been driving around now for days indicating like a complete fanny.

It only applies to you if you drive a taxi, BMW, white van or if you have a job that involves wearing a suit.

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