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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Speaking of Starbucks.

Thing that gets me is the look on people's face when you do a random act of kindness.

Payed for a guy's coffee in Starbucks when he started fumbling about for his wallet.

Looked at me like WTF?

A WTF is the least you would be getting from me you creepy weirdo :blink:

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Why would you pay for some strangers coffee?

I thought that was a bit weird too. Help someone out if they're a bit short, sure, but pay the whole thing because they're fumbling a bit? Seems a bit patronising, or maybe like you're after a winch :unsure:

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Why would you pay for some strangers coffee?

It's called 'Paying it forward'

Like when you are at Tesco & some old dear is paying & struggling to get the exact change.

You see what she needs and give it to the checkout person.

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It's called 'Paying it forward'

Like when you are at Tesco & some old dear is paying & struggling to get the exact change.

You see what she needs and give it to the checkout person.

Aye, but that's just to get the bitch out of the way.

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It's called 'Paying it forward'

Like when you are at Tesco & some old dear is paying & struggling to get the exact change.

You see what she needs and give it to the checkout person.

I think you'll find that a fair few folk take that as an insult - "you're too old and slow, get out of the road". Unless they're actually short, which is a different matter.

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I think you'll find that a fair few folk take that as an insult - "you're too old and slow, get out of the road". Unless they're actually short, which is a different matter.

Not really.

More folk 'get it' when you do a kind deed should the situation arise.

I'm half Canadian so I'm maybe stereotypically apologetic/kind.

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Not really.

More folk 'get it' when you do a kind deed should the situation arise.

I'm half Canadian so I'm maybe stereotypically apologetic/kind.

If a stranger offer to pay for me within Starbucks, I'd be giving the same look.

It does bring me to another annoyance, people who despite queuing never have their money ready to pay. Instead wait until the last possible moment and take ages fumbling about

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If a stranger offered to pay my Starbucks, or anything for that matter, I'd be like 'Fuckin sweet man, cheers', then be off like a shot in case they were looking for something in return.

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If a stranger offer to pay for me within Starbucks, I'd be giving the same look.

It does bring me to another annoyance, people who despite queuing never have their money ready to pay. Instead wait until the last possible moment and take ages fumbling about

That's a constant public bus bugbear of mine. You've been standing at the stop for ages so why do you wait until the bus arrives then start raking in your bag or purse to find your ticket?

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Speaking of Starbucks.

Thing that gets me is the look on people's face when you do a random act of kindness.

Payed for a guy's coffee in Starbucks when he started fumbling about for his wallet.

Looked at me like WTF?

Aye, because that happened

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Aye, because that happened

What's so hard to believe about it? It's hardly some massive fable, unlike a lot of shit posted on here.

Anyway: juice fridges in shops that aren't cold enough. I prefer to have everything I drink pretty cold (never drink hot/warm drinks) and in the case of beer and 'fizzy drinks' as close to frozem without being full of ice.

Also when shops restock their juice fridges and put the new, warm stock at the front meaning I have to rummage around at the back (easy now!) for a suitabltly cold one.

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What's so hard to believe about it? It's hardly some massive fable, unlike a lot of shit posted on here.*

Anyway: juice fridges in shops that aren't cold enough. I prefer to have everything I drink pretty cold (never drink hot/warm drinks) and in the case of beer and 'fizzy drinks' as close to frozem without being full of ice.

Also when shops restock their juice fridges and put the new, warm stock at the front meaning I have to rummage around at the back (easy now!) for a suitabltly cold one.

The annoying thing is they always remember to restock things like milk in the back so the earliest use by date is at the front, but can't be arsed when the date isn't important. Lazy c**ts.

*(Elgin folk aren't renowned for their generosity, I can understand why he doesn't believe that someone would buy a stranger a cup of coffee.)

Edited by welshbairn
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Whilst we're on the subject of Starbucks, I cannae mind the name of it but you can basically buy one cup of coffee for yourself, and buy one to put "on the tap" for the next homeless person that comes in.

Buying the homeless overpriced coffee doesn't help them, but it does wonders for Starbuck's profit margins.

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Whilst we're on the subject of Starbucks, I cannae mind the name of it but you can basically buy one cup of coffee for yourself, and buy one to put "on the tap" for the next homeless person that comes in.

Buying the homeless overpriced coffee doesn't help them, but it does wonders for Starbuck's profit margins.

Suspended coffees. I think it's a great idea in principle and I've read that there's several places in Glasgow that do it. I've never yet seen a sign that advertises the fact places partake in the suspended coffee idea though.

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The annoying thing is they always remember to restock things like milk in the back so the earliest use by date is at the front, but can't be arsed when the date isn't important. Lazy c**ts.

*(Elgin folk aren't renowned for their generosity, I can understand why he doesn't believe that someone would buy a stranger a cup of coffee.)

I always check the dates on the juice as a couple of times I purchased out of date juice. In fact I check dates on just about everything as there has been a few times I've bought out of date stuff. Even worse, I've worked in a few supermarkets (Sainsburys, Iceland, Asda and Spar) and have found a shocking amount of out of date stuff still on the shelves. Spar was the worst for it. On my first day I filled up a wee trolley with food cans and juice and cereal bars that were out of date and most days managed to do the same.

Edited by DA Baracus
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Greggs are notoriously dumb about the fridge location. Usually its right by the door where all the heat from outside is getting in just now. Or in the winter its right below the heater that blasts hot air on you as you walk in.

Aye I've noticed that quite a few shops, not just Greggs, haven't thought that through.

Suspended coffees. I think it's a great idea in principle and I've read that there's several places in Glasgow that do it. I've never yet seen a sign that advertises the fact places partake in the suspended coffee idea though.

I was wondering how the homeless folk would know about it!

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