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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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aids, cancer, ebola etc r all worse

I can't comment on cancer, but from personal experience Aids n Ebola were a b£stard right enough. A word of warning, don't let your mates persuade you to have your stag do in Africa. Stick to Newcastle or Prague!

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My car was vandalised last night.

That's a proper bastàrd. Happened to me a few years ago. Put the car in dock over Christmas/new year, and meant a trip to Bootham Crescent instead of TTOP for New Year football. Threw it down all match, finished 0-0, and Mrs WRK got stuck in the turnstiles on the way in. *

Didn't even fuicking nick anything, the little buggers.

She was six months gone with Rosette One, tbf.

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Stuck in the house yesterday with a raging headache that had been building all week, so no Hertz game for me. Our internet connection dies at 2:45pm and doesn't come back up until about fifteen minutes after the Scotland game has finished. Radio Scotland's coverage of virtually every club game in Scotland consisted of an early confirmation that the games were taking place, and practically f**k all else until time for final scores. Also, more than four hours of, "Dad, is the internet working yet?" while I cower in the dark.


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Some complete shitebag drove into the back of my car yesterday and drove off - though not fast enough because I managed to get his registration number. However, in spite of how busy it was, I don't have any witnesses and he's hardly going to be stupid enough to admit to it. I'm fine and the car has a few scratches to the rear bumper but nothing more serious and I gave the details to the police anyway but it's still fucking annoying that he didn't at least stop and check everything was Ok.

Gonnae put money on one of the following...

He isn't insured and taxed.

He was over the limit or high

He didn't have a licence

The car is stolen

The car is wanted for a crime

The car isn't paid for

Either way their was no way he was waiting on you phoning the polis.

Keep us up to speed Mrs M.

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Either left my phone at my mates house, which is fine, or left it on a bus/street/McDonalds. I did say the other day I needed to get a new phone but this wasn't the way I envisaged things going. Not too bothered if it's a lost cause but I'm going to be gutted that all my pictures and stuff are gone.

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So in the last few posts we've had Mrs M having her car smashed into, me losing my bank card, keithgy getting his car vandalised and now Smurph losing his phone.

We are so petty.

It's clear Mumsnet are targeting us. The question is, what are we going to do about it?!?

Personally, I'm hiding under the duvet.

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So in the last few posts we've had Mrs M having her car smashed into, me losing my bank card, keithgy getting his car vandalised and now Smurph losing his phone.

We are so petty.

My headache trumps all of these things TBF. And none of you c***s even care! :bairn

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It's clear Mumsnet are targeting us. The question is, what are we going to do about it?!?

Personally, I'm hiding under the duvet.

Threaten to show their "darling husbands" what they've been telling the internet behind their backs. Should go very quiet very quickly.

Or escalate into open warfare, depending on the time of the month :ph34r:

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