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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I suppose it's like ballet in some aspects. Very physical and reliant on the performers choreography being spot on.

Rudolf Nureyev probably never suplexed one of the female dancers though, mores the pity.

Might've given a few male members of the corps de ballet a dose of the Boston crabs tho'................

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Parents who take their children to the cinema when they quite clearly aren't ready to sit still for a couple hours yet. Just out of seeing the new TMNT film (wouldn't recommend) and for about half the film there was a group of 8-10 kids running back and forth across the area between the screen and front seat with constant high pitch squeals and also non - stop up and down the stairs playing tig. Not to mention getting my chair kicked for the entire duration of the film.

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Parents who take their children to the cinema when they quite clearly aren't ready to sit still for a couple hours yet. Just out of seeing the new TMNT film (wouldn't recommend) and for about half the film there was a group of 8-10 kids running back and forth across the area between the screen and front seat with constant high pitch squeals and also non - stop up and down the stairs playing tig. Not to mention getting my chair kicked for the entire duration of the film.

I can beat that.

Because kids of any age are allowed into any multiplex film* in the US, you'll find utter c***s with newborn babies in practically every showing. My personal favourite was the midnight showing of Resident Evil with THREE different babies, one of which unsurprisingly freaked out big-style during the opening sequence and had to be removed, much to the annoyance of the poor wee b*****d's "parents".

Words cannot express.

* Most multiplex chains won't show anything over an 'R' rating, and kids can get into anything 'R' or under with a responsible (or irresponsible) adult.

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This complaint has been done to death but it crops up around this time every year now. You know it is approaching the festive season when you start to hear upbeat, cheesy, 80s pop songs sung in a slow whispery breathed style by some shoe gazing angsty character. f**k right off with that shit.

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This complaint has been done to death but it crops up around this time every year now. You know it is approaching the festive season when you start to hear upbeat, cheesy, 80s pop songs sung in a slow whispery breathed style by some shoe gazing angsty character. f**k right off with that shit.

This above all the other atrocities that its to blame for is the reason every single person involved in X Factor and the other karaoke contests should be killed.

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This above all the other atrocities that its to blame for is the reason every single person involved in X Factor and the other karaoke contests should be killed.

Jesus, too many excellent posts to greenie tonight.

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Parents who take their children to the cinema when they quite clearly aren't ready to sit still for a couple hours yet. Just out of seeing the new TMNT film (wouldn't recommend) and for about half the film there was a group of 8-10 kids running back and forth across the area between the screen and front seat with constant high pitch squeals and also non - stop up and down the stairs playing tig. Not to mention getting my chair kicked for the entire duration of the film.

The answer is a leg trip. Nobody will see in the dark and they'll just assume that the kid tripped on the stairs. The teeth should grow back anyway.

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Parents who take their children to the cinema when they quite clearly aren't ready to sit still for a couple hours yet. Just out of seeing the new TMNT film (wouldn't recommend) and for about half the film there was a group of 8-10 kids running back and forth across the area between the screen and front seat with constant high pitch squeals and also non - stop up and down the stairs playing tig. Not to mention getting my chair kicked for the entire duration of the film.

I'd phone the cinema and make a complaint about this. I would have been a seething mess if there were a group of kids running about when I'd paid the best part of a tenner to go see a film

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All of my tyres keep deflating to various degrees and completely random. It's infuriating as I keep having to pump them back up. Simply cause in too lazy to take them to a garage to have to pay the inevitable 3 figure sum to replace them.

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There's just been an advert on the telly for eFax stating "more and more people are finding they cans send a fax from their mobile phone or tablet".

No they're fucking not. They're sending emails not fucking faxes.

Who the f**k still uses faxes anyway?

Other than Premiership football teams on deadline day.

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Agree with faxes, what's the point of them now you have email and digital signatures?

And the fact that you can scan a document and attach it to an email.

I'll be glad to see them consigned to the museum. I was forever putting the document in the wrong way up and faxing people blank sheets!

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I need to send faxes in my work when doing night shift, to order newspapers for the hotel rooms. Fax machines and the printed press should both be abolished imo

What about trouser presses?
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