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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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BBC really are taking the f£cking piss! It's bad enough they have 3 unneeded folk in the studio, 1 showing the games would be suffice. But now they have 3 folk commentating on games?! Really?? And you know they'll be on a fortune. Really don't know why I pay a TV licence. F£cking joke.

See what you've fucking started.

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When my wife calls me on the landline and gets and engaged tone in the full knowledge that I'm in the house on my own, and then decides to ring me on my mobile.

Old Mumsnet trick. She's checking to see if you're really in the house and not out looking for strange. Prepare to be met with a dossier of all the times you didn't answer the landline and were out "with that hoor".

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Behave yourself man, she's still in good shape, it's pretty obvious she still looks after herself and keeps fit. And I reckon she'd definitely use he talents and be pure filth!

We all know there's only one answer to this. Get her shipped off to Zen and he'll fill us all in on the details.

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The Esso garage at Bainsford in Falkirk has a wee fucking rodent of a man working in it and his whole vibe just gets on my nerves. A horrid little cretin with a chip on his shoulder with the world, a vile attitude and absolutely hates his job. You can tell he's a work-shy wee b*****d though and that's why he works in the garage - just because he needs to work. The Clubcard scanner is always 'broken' when he's working too :lol:

ETA: And any man aged around 50 with highlights in his hair - Get a fucking grip! :lol:

Anyone willing to guess who he posts as on P&B?

Probably not Miley, and I've never been to Bainsford and have never had highlights. I can't even imagine what that would look like on a middle-aged man :mellow:

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"Vegetarian" haggis, is not actually haggis.

We accidentally had one once to show a visiting American relative what haggis tastes like. Didn't realise 'til afterwards that it was vegetarian, so it must've been a particularly good one.

Sort of amusing that she specifically asked to try the sort of haggis that's banned in the US and we couldn't even get that right :P

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Zelda from the Terrahawks :lol: Well played.

My exposure to Jo Whiley is limited, but I'd be happy to buy her a Créme de Methe and see how the evening progressed.

Edit: In fairness to her, a'body loved John Peel as the Beeb's premier youth talent scout, and he was at it until he was 65.

Steady, BEASTwatchers.

Edited by BigFatTabbyDave
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Whilst I was sitting in Morrison's cafe at work today (I don't work there I was supporting a lady with learning difficulties) I saw a guy wearing one of those hands free earpiece things. I can't explain why they annoy me but every time I see somebody wearing one I want to rip it out of their ear.

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