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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Got stung in the mouth once as a kid whilst playing football and have had a similar kind of phobia since.

Wasp + me = pathetic jessie.

Last two years running I have had a wasps nest in my flats loft from maybe April-October. Last year my flatmate rolled over in bed onto one which stayed in him stinging him until he literally had to pick it out. I get a good 10ish wasps a week finding their way into my room as it's on the side of the entrance to the loft they seem to find from the outside.

The tense wait begins.

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Work colleague has taken the huff with me, sits next to me in the office and proceeds to make a sandwich filled with Salmond. It's reeking.

I asked any chance she could go into the kitchen to make it and eat it as I don't like the smell especially when I'm trying to get work done.

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Work colleague has taken the huff with me, sits next to me in the office and proceeds to make a sandwich filled with Salmond. It's reeking.

I asked any chance she could go into the kitchen to make it and eat it as I don't like the smell especially when I'm trying to get work done.


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Got stung in the mouth once as a kid whilst playing football and have had a similar kind of phobia since.

Wasp + me = pathetic jessie.

I stood on a wasps nest when I was younger and five of the fuckers stuck to my joggies and stung me all over my legs. I should have a phobia but they don't bother me in the slightest. Probably because their stings are shite.


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When a player has a tap in after all the work has been done by the boy that provided the assist, then runs off and celebrates, totally disregarding the efforts of his team mate. Cock.

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Has bootsitsme ever made an actual comment on anything? :huh:

He's got 45,000 posts, all of which must surely be posting gifs or one-word answers in the Word Association thread.

An absolute abomination of a poster.

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When a player has a tap in after all the work has been done by the boy that provided the assist, then runs off and celebrates, totally disregarding the efforts of his team mate. Cock.

That gets right on my tits. Don't know if it's more prevalent now or if I've just noticed it more recently.

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He's got 45,000 posts, all of which must surely be posting gifs or one-word answers in the Word Association thread.

An absolute abomination of a poster.

I can't believe I've just done this and I should be hanging my head in shame, rather than posting it but over Word/Picture Association, Musical Chinese Whispers, Random Images and Gif threads he has 41,454 posts. Now, that probably took me less than a minute to find out but I feel a bit stalky having done it.

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When a player has a tap in after all the work has been done by the boy that provided the assist, then runs off and celebrates, totally disregarding the efforts of his team mate. Cock.

Or set up by the opposition (Newcastle) keeper.

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