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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Do shuttles within the vacinity of your front door. Simples.

Sadly due to not having done much running for the past few months (thanks very much, weather :angry:) I need to get a decent mileage base back up before I can concentrate on speedwork.

I'm hoping to break 44 minutes at Grangemouth at the end of March so I need to be doing sub-50 by this time next week (did 53 on Friday).

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SkiCross at the Olympics! I saw a bit of it last night but switched it off after 10 minutes, thinking it was just me being tired after having a very full day out. But the repeat highlights are on just now and it's still the same. The ex-skier commentator is screaming his commentary at every race like Murray Walker on speed, he keeps getting the names of the competitors wrong "Oh, oh it's Hayer, Hayer's gone, Blissard has taken him out........no that's Flisar...I used to ski with him and he's awesome....Oh, oh that's BRILLIANT on the turn.....OH NO, he's gone, he's gone, he's lost it at the corner, that's a tragedy....." and he constantly interrupts the guy commentating alongside him who is the one who actually seems to know what he's talking about.

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Just back from my doctors appointment about my bad cough that's been going on for the best part of 6 weeks. They think I might have re diagnosed athsma that I had when I was a tot. Means I might need to take a b*****ding inhaler everywhere I go now. <_<

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We're putting on a gig this Saturday which is proving to be a bit of a pain.

We are trying to do something new that will make people want to go see local bands again, while always looking out for the bands interests first. But now our presenter has pulled out, which leaves me in the shit when it comes to editing the video of the gig. I might even need to present the thing myself.

But the real thing that's annoying me is the fact I have TWO meetings back to back tonight in a pub and I'm too bloody skint to drink. I'll be there for about 4 hours!

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The only nail clippers I have in the flat are fucking shit. They seem to just be able to make weird indentations into my nails, instead of cutting through them. I've just ordered a pair of Amazon (seriously, the internet has a lot to answer for - I could've just walked to Boots) but if I leave them another three or so days I'm going to look like Wolverine's tarty wife.

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It seems that SkiCross is extremely popular, regardless of the jibbering gimp "presenting" it.rolleyes.gif

The commentators are Graham Bell and Ed Leigh. They're geunuinely passionate about it and that comes across, which I think makes it even better to watch. It has been a brilliant addition to the games.

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Had to use scissors from the kitchen for my right hand, after basically tearing the ends off the left hand's fingers with the defective clippers. So on the one hand I've got nails more ragged than the jacket of the Big Issue seller outside Tesco, and on the other, they're all right angles and sharp points.

f**k. Sake. I am a disaster of a person.

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The only nail clippers I have in the flat are fucking shit. They seem to just be able to make weird indentations into my nails, instead of cutting through them.

The keratin that forms your nails is extremely tough and sometimes nail clippers don't do the job if your nails are particularly dry. If you have time, give yourself a footspa and after 15 minutes the nails will have softened sufficiently to allow a pair of childproof plastic safety scissors to give them a trim.wink.gif

The commentators are Graham Bell and Ed Leigh. They're geunuinely passionate about it and that comes across, which I think makes it even better to watch. It has been a brilliant addition to the games.

Aye, fair enough. It must just have been the "shoutiness" thing that late at night/early afternoon that got to me. The ski-ing itself was great to watch with the sound down.smile.gif

I just got home from school and got changed and there was a bird shit on my shirt, which has been there for at least 2 periods mad.gif

You've had the same shirt on for two months!!ohmy.gif

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My iphone appears to have died.:angry:

So your phone died then?? Look I'm sorry but that really gets on my tits. "My iphone is playing up", "I'll give him a call on my blackberry". NO. JUST FUCKING NO. It's a phone. Stop trying to gain kudos by naming the brand. It's exactly the same as someone going "My Nokia 5330 is having problems". You wouldn't say that would you? Would you?! No you wouldn't!!:angry: And breathe...

Btw did Kilt just get a "plus" point there?:blink:

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AHHHH!!!! :angry::angry::angry:

Young people today! (ok i'm 16 i'll rephrase that) YOUNGER PEOPLE TODAY :angry::angry:

On Friday night I left my mate's house slightly drunk but not pished. I look at the garage door to notice that someone/ people had forced their way in. I switch the light on to notice that nothing seems to be missing however I was wrong, the robbers had ransacked the place to get.....wait for it......2 BOTTLES OF STELLA! What the f**k? How thick were these people. They didn't notice the two bottles of champagne that would have been worth more in terms of getting drunk (which I am assuming they wanted to do) or sell it. What I can't get my head around s that fact that they broke into my garage and my mates garage (happened to him too) to get 6 bottles of beer.

Fucking wankers, get a life for f**k sake! :angry::angry::angry:

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I was in the uni gym doing one of the lat machines, thinking I'm doing okay, only to move elsewhere and spot that my weight was being comfortably equalled by a girl . To be fair, she looked like an east German bobsleigh entrant, but oh the shame.

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