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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I've just bought a new laptop and it has Windows 8. I'm on the verge of tears as it's the worst system in the history of the universe. It's like they've deliberately tried to make everything ridiculously hard to find

I had to ask on here and on Twitter how to shut the fucker down. Luckily Microsoft have reluctantly agreed to re-instate the "Start" button in an update that's coming in the autumn.

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Ordered a new fridge/freezer in John Lewis 4 weeks ago. Have spent the entire afternoon on the phone to JL, the delivery company and Samsung asking where it is, with them all blaming each other, and all refusing to call me back.

The "phone calls received regarding this fridge" score in the last 4 weeks is now: John Lewis 5, Expert Logistics 4, Samsung 2, Me 0.

The last John Lewis TV advert featured Billy Joel's 'She's Always A Woman'. It's a really nice song.

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I've just bought a new laptop and it has Windows 8. I'm on the verge of tears as it's the worst system in the history of the universe. It's like they've deliberately tried to make everything ridiculously hard to find
It is a repulsive system. I bought a laptop recently and have hardly used it purely because of this. I use the ipad 99% of the time now. A fucking abomination of an OS.
I end up going the "control, alt, delete" route.
Me too. I don't know how else to do it still :(
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It took me 30 minutes how to work out how to open word. I was at the main 'start' screen with all those annoying app type panels and didn't realise you could scroll to the right to reveal more panels, which was where Microsoft Office was.

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It took me 30 minutes how to work out how to open word. I was at the main 'start' screen with all those annoying app type panels and didn't realise you could scroll to the right to reveal more panels, which was where Microsoft Office was.

You can also just start typing and it should appear..."should" appear.

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when I first got Windows 8 I felt it was a glimpse into the future, where technology had overtaken me and I no longer understood how to use everyday objects. It was a scary half hour while I googled various simple tasks.

I just use the desktop button now and I don't even really know it's Windows 8 I'm using.

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Ordered a new fridge/freezer in John Lewis 4 weeks ago. Have spent the entire afternoon on the phone to JL, the delivery company and Samsung asking where it is, with them all blaming each other, and all refusing to call me back.

The "phone calls received regarding this fridge" score in the last 4 weeks is now: John Lewis 5, Expert Logistics 4, Samsung 2, Me 0.

Keep complaining, John Lewis normally cave and give you some money off or some vouchers for messing up, especially if you mention about avoiding shopping there again and informing people of their poor service

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I spent today at a course in Glasgow and a woman from Yorkshire started arguing with the guy running it about his delivery method, to top it off when she was politely told to shut the f**k up she said "my husband earns £104,000, i'm only doing this job for pocket money, I may as well go home".

f**k right off.

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I estimate since Monday, I've shat about 15/18 times. Some of it has been runny Brown water, whereas other times it has been thick and black in colour. My stomach (not to mention my arse) is absolutely agony.

Posting this from the toilet.

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