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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm covering interviews at another campus today as someone is on holiday. I got the bus in to town and took a quick jaunt to Greggs for a steak bake. After I purchased said savoury, I did the usual thing, i.e. leave. But as I was walking to the door, there was a woman with a large buggy in front of me. She stopped IN THE DOORWAY to fix something on the buggy and to put stuff in the storage bit at the bottom. This blocked everyone trying to leave and anyone trying to enter. She could have easily done this in the shop, or once outside the shop. It's fair to say I was furious. This kind of ignorance and total lack of awareness of those around you really irritates me.

She was apologetic, so she can be forgiven this one time, but if I see her do it again, I'll punt the fucking buggy; I don't care if the child goes flying. f**k them.

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Furniture stores. Boring as fck onluly beaten by carpet and curtain shops.

When you were wee, carpet shops were the top stores of choice if you were to be dragged into any. Excellent for hide and seek between all the stands.

Eta (upon reading DA's post above): The absolute lack of time-space awareness with what seems to be most women. This is most apparent when walking along the street where one minute you'll both be walking on either side of the pavement but then the woman will decide to walk straight towards you rather than walk into the space she originally had. WTF is that all about??! :huh:

Edited by Hedgecutter
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When you were wee, carpet shops were the top stores of choice if you were to be dragged into any. Excellent for hide and seek between all the stands.

Agreed! Also the smell of carpet shops is tremendous.

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Fucking gout!

I'd cut my toes off to be rid right now

Just finished my tabs. It is agony the second time I have it. And my blood pressure is through the roof. I have to record it for a week and hand the results in

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Why is there never a socket beside the bed in hotels. My phone is never going to last to w**k o clock.

I filled in one of those wee customer comment cards at the Holiday Inn i Melbourne last summer to make this exact point.

3 weeks later, I got a lovely postcard from them thanking me and informing me that the sockets are hidden away behind headboard. Thanks for the response but WTF?

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I had an interview at Harry Corry once. It ended with me having to 'sell' some curtain posts to the interviewer. It did not end well.

Not surprised, they're curtain poles. Or window fashion systems (I sell this shit to retailers like Harry Corry)

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People that choose to do their food shopping at petrol stations........some of us have fcuking work to get to! Go to the supermarket FFS!

Rant over.

My PTTGOYN is above. People saying/writing one or two short sentences then saying "rant over". You get it all the time on Facebook and its so annoying. I'm sorry but I'm not sure these people understand what a rant is - it has to last longer than 3 seconds.

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My PTTGOYN is above. People saying/writing one or two short sentences then saying "rant over". You get it all the time on Facebook and its so annoying. I'm sorry but I'm not sure these people understand what a rant is - it has to last longer than 3 seconds.

I smashed my office up too.....does that help it constitute a rant?

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This would be the thing that gets on my nerves the most. People who do this. Fair enough if they do it to cross the road but most of them are doing it to be wide. No need at all.

Some smackhead did this to me about 4 years ago when I was out running down Leith Links......I moved 3 times on approach to which he kept moving towards me........in the end he ended up on his arse as I ran right over the top of the cnut........couldn't really hear what he shouted as I had my mp3 player on and just kept running.

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Probably the most petty annoyance in the history of petty annoyances, but in our darts league in work, there's a guy who marks up scores with a dash instead of a 0, e.g. 210 becomes 21-


Scum. Sub-human scum

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It utterly fucks me off when people bring in their new babies to the office. Each time everyone acts amazed and coos over each ugly new sprog like it's some glorious miracle. You're on maternity so stay away from the office and let me do my work.

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It utterly fucks me off when people bring in their new babies to the office. Each time everyone acts amazed and coos over each ugly new sprog like it's some glorious miracle. You're on maternity so stay away from the office and let me do my work.



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Jakey dossers who park up right beside the ATM and chin you as soon as you've got your dosh. When you give a negative reply to their question, they say something like "Sorry to have bothered you / Sorry for asking...".

At which point I'll say "You appear to have enough money for fags / super lager / buckie / white lightning / a pit bull, so why the f**k are you hassling me for bus fares / the price of a cup of tea ?"

Pushy basturts.

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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It utterly fucks me off when people bring in their new babies to the office. Each time everyone acts amazed and coos over each ugly new sprog like it's some glorious miracle. You're on maternity so stay away from the office and let me do my work.

One of my colleagues brought their new born twins into the office a few weeks back. I don't think any of the females got any work done during that hour. <_<

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It utterly fucks me off when people bring in their new babies to the office. Each time everyone acts amazed and coos over each ugly new sprog like it's some glorious miracle. You're on maternity so stay away from the office and let me do my work.

At my work they send round a departmental email with a picture of the newborn. I delete them without even opening them

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