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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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You don't need to apologise to me. Makes no odds to me (pun intended) what the P+B community do. There's absolutely nothing wrong with having a wee bet now and then as I can understand the appeal but there are definitely some posters who are going completely mental with the gambling at the moment, and every match thread is just people talking about how much they put down on a team and what odds they got. As you say, there's a sub-forum for this shite and it should be used.

Tried to start a topic on the Gambling forum to lure a few away from the pure football stuff, but it was deleted. No idea why.

Edited by welshbairn
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The amount of pundits at this world cup.

Seriously, why so many?! There is absolutely no need to have 4 folk in the studio. In all honesty I don't think there is any need for more than 1. You just need a guy to be there 5 minutes before kick off to introduce the game and let us know of any injuries or suspensions etc. Who actually listens to what these fuds have to say anyway? Sky Plus was invented to fast forward these tossers on Match of the Day.

I never turn the programme on until kick-off, at half-time I'll flick onto something else and I'll never listen to what they say at the end. Do the folk at the top really think we care what this lot have to say? It annoys me mainly due to the wages these arseholes will be raking it in as well as their expenses to get over there and stay over there, and the BBC have a cheek to plead poverty?! And with today's technology, why do they even need to be over there? They don't. The commentator yes, but the folk in the studio could do the exact same job in a studio in London. They watch the game on a tv, just like us anyway ffs!

Then you have the folk that ARE there. Ferdinand, Lennon, Ian Wright. Seriously?! Ferdinand and Wright haven't quite grasped the English language yet and Lennon is just Lennon, no one wants to hear what he has to say.

Then you have the commentary. How that pr*ck of a man Lawrenson has been given a microphone for so long is beyond me. He does nothing but criticise everything and everyone, he is boring as f*ck, and don't even get me started on him when he is commentating on an England game, the most biased commentator going. And whoever the genius was that allowed Phil Neville near the commentators box should be tied to a chair in a dark room and played Neville's commentary over and over again until he requires men in white jackets to carry him out of the place; then he might have an idea of how it felt to be viewers the other night. I thought Gary was terrible, by f*ck Phil really does like to show his brother that he is worse than him at everything!

While we are on the topic of commentators, an 'Analyser' is another job that's not required. The Ivory Coast game featured a commentator on his lonesome and he did the job fine. At no point did I think "By f*ck this game is screaming out for someone to analyse the action". Another waste of a wage, get it chopped!

Long may there be goals and cider at this tournament or I might end up breaking my tv :wacko:

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Tried to start a topic on the Gambling forum to lure a few away from the pure football stuff, but it was deleted. No idea why.

Since my original post it's actually gotten really bad now. Germany v Portugal is a fucking pisstake of a thread at the moment.

"Too good to turn down" is a brilliant saying. The trademark phrase of an utter addict.

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Since my original post it's actually gotten really bad now. Germany v Portugal is a fucking pisstake of a thread at the moment.

"Too good to turn down" is a brilliant saying. The trademark phrase of an utter addict.

It's almost as if some people are doing it on purpose now that they know it winds you up.

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Probably one to file under weirdo behaviour rather than pttgoyn but I was in the changing rooms today looking at mens cocks getting dressed when i noticed the guy beside me puts his shirt before his undies, fair enough we all different. Then he puts his tie on and then his jacket and zips jacket up all whilst still standing there with his balls out. WTF?

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Probably one to file under weirdo behaviour rather than pttgoyn but I was in the changing rooms today looking at mens cocks getting dressed when i noticed the guy beside me puts his shirt before his undies, fair enough we all different. Then he puts his tie on and then his jacket and zips jacket up all whilst still standing there with his balls out. WTF?

Weirdo? Aye, you watching!

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Probably one to file under weirdo behaviour rather than pttgoyn but I was in the changing rooms today looking at mens cocks getting dressed when i noticed the guy beside me puts his shirt before his undies, fair enough we all different. Then he puts his tie on and then his jacket and zips jacket up all whilst still standing there with his balls out. WTF?

Who's behaviour are you classifying as weirdo?

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Probably one to file under weirdo behaviour rather than pttgoyn but I was in the changing rooms today looking at mens cocks getting dressed when i noticed the guy beside me puts his shirt before his undies, fair enough we all different. Then he puts his tie on and then his jacket and zips jacket up all whilst still standing there with his balls out. WTF?

Can't help but think he's still there now, naked from the waist down barring socks and shoes, pining for the gentle caress of a caring hand on his nutsack.

How will you sleep, you monster.

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At 1 this morning I heard something moving in my room. Like plastic bags being rustled. I have no idea what's making the noise but I doesn't help knowing that my mum left my window wide open all day and the cat was sniffing around under my bed suspiciously when I got home. 2 hours later here we are, I'm awake. Pulled the bags out from under the bed. Who knows what the f**k is going on but I've been shitting it.

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At 1 this morning I heard something moving in my room. Like plastic bags being rustled. I have no idea what's making the noise but I doesn't help knowing that my mum left my window wide open all day and the cat was sniffing around under my bed suspiciously when I got home. 2 hours later here we are, I'm awake. Pulled the bags out from under the bed. Who knows what the f**k is going on but I've been shitting it.


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There it is again, it's still fucking happening. I simply cannot locate the source of the noise. It sounds more like a rustling, crunching sound. It may even be coming from inside the walls. This is fucking me up big time.

I was going to post a picture of a scene from the Exorcist, but i can`t bring myself to look at one at this time of the morning.

(i will also not be looking at this thread again tonight as i fully expect someone else to post said picture...)

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I was going to post a picture of a scene from the Exorcist, but i can`t bring myself to look at one at this time of the morning.

(i will also not be looking at this thread again tonight as i fully expect someone else to post said picture...)

I'm traumatised enough as it is.

Since the last update I've stayed awake to listen for more noise...it's coming from the foot of my bed, but it sounds like whatever is making the sound is inside the wall or beneath the floor boards. So it might not be in my room. It still begs the question though: what and where the f**k is this thing

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UPDATE: Absolute early morning scenes here. I hear a bird go mental just outside my window. Leaping up I pull up the blinds to see a hedgehog eating a bird. Wtf. Is this what's been making the noise? I thought it might have been until...there it is again. And this time it's right under my bed. I'm going to have to investigate further and pull everything out. I can't deal with this. Whatever I encounter is going to get a punch in the pus.

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Time to wake your mum up IMO.

Didn't need to, for she heard me up and about my room and came to investigate. The noise was located to a plastic bag under my bed. We lifted the bag and...

It's a baby bird. A fucking baby bird. He was spared the punch in the pus. Think that's pretty good of me considering its shat on my floor. Poor little guy must have been brought in by my cat, which is bizarre. He never brings animals into the house because he knows he'll get a slap on the nose for it.

It's been an eventful morning. Thank god I'm not working till 5pm, otherwise I'd be absolutely raging about this. Still not happy though. The cats going to get that punch in pus instead.

I'm going back to sleep.


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