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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Had a similar deal with a reclining arm chair. It had tab ends down the side of the cushions. Feck knows what the wifey would've considered 'dirty'.*

* Teeing it up for any P&B'er who wants to take a shot at that one.

We bought a used sofa in excellent condition years ago. Next day, the wife finds a shite-streaked pair of women's knickers stuffed down the side of the cushions :barf

She turns to me and says, "are these yours?" :lol:

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I genuinely don't think that heavy smokers realise how grotty their stuff becomes.

I used to recycle old computer equipment, and picking stuff up from smokers homes was horrible. Monitors covered in a thick layer of browny-yellow nicotine grease that would rub off on your clothes and leave you feeling ill all day :barf

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Gordon Smith on SSN complaining we aren't spunking money trying to hump the English leagues leg by copying them using the vanishing foam

No wonder we're all out of Europe. Sack the SPFL!

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I genuinely don't think that heavy smokers realise how grotty their stuff becomes.

I used to recycle old computer equipment, and picking stuff up from smokers homes was horrible. Monitors covered in a thick layer of browny-yellow nicotine grease that would rub off on your clothes and leave you feeling ill all day :barf

They don't.

My mum and dad smoked when I was a kid (they've both stopped now) and I must have went to school absolutely stinking but didn't realise it. Now I can smell kids when they come into my classroom and it's obvious when they're coming from a smoking household.

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Fiona Phillips, she makes Michael J Fox look cured.

Oh, and her dad was called Phillip, which makes me hate her grand parents as well, fuckin Phillip Phillips, what the f**k were they thinking?

Just like Neville Neville (your face is a mess)

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I was listening to the 5Live phone in 606 earlier. During the football I often tune in. They have a feature called 6 for 6 (or something very similar). The premise is that there are 6 callers who each have 6 seconds tosay their name, team and their point with Robbie Savage picking the best to have an extended chat with.

The number of people who don't understand the concept is infuriating. So many of them, every single time, ramble and get cut off mid sentence. How difficult is ir to understand that you have 6 seconds to say 3 bits of information?!

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Football players who jump around claiming for a foul (usually hand ball) instead of playing on and keeping up with play. It's lazy and cowardly and I despise it. It's just the behaviour of shitebags who don't have the spirit to get on with things and who look for someone else to blame.

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People in the office that can't be arsed tucking their shirt in. If you've gone to the trouble of ironing it why not tuck it in you fucks?

Also, sunglasses. It's not sunny, it hasn't been all day and I see people wearing sunglasses. Absolute subhuman scum.

I wear sunglasses most of the time tbh......I find the daylight glare hurts my eyes.


Sub human scum.

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Guest The Phoenix
Anklet socks perhaps?

^^^^ 26 year very attractive nurse allows boat owner to take her trainers off.

Stay tuned folks, it's looking good for mid-November.

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