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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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This is a common problem with many bosses or folk in management positions. Never actually done the job, no practical experience - 'learned' it all at Uni though... f**k right off.


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“Poor poor Royal Mail ”

Current Employee - Anonymous Employee

I have been working at Royal Mail part-time (more than 10 years)


Very poor management skills especially of people that have any form of disability. Use heavy handed and bullying tactics to quiet people.


Money good for jobs but nothing else.

Advice to Management

New management required.

That's a pro? :blink:

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Mrs Shotgun says she bought a Terry's Chocolate Orange, which is what I traditionally eat for first breakfast on Christmas day. Problem is, she hid it so I wouldn't scoff it in advance. And now she can't remember where.

Is there no end to my suffering?

Just not on. Wives have lost their lives for less in this house.

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People that say "But" or. " So it is" At the end of sentences.

'But' is something I've picked up from living around here for so long. I don't know when it started, but it slowly grew like a cancer, and now I'm stuck with it, like a dangling haemorrhoid on my, but.

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Mrs Shotgun says she bought a Terry's Chocolate Orange, which is what I traditionally eat for first breakfast on Christmas day. Problem is, she hid it so I wouldn't scoff it in advance. And now she can't remember where.

Is there no end to my suffering?

First breakfast? Are you a hobbit?
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'Treatments' that just make things worse / simply don't work.

Got a case of ringworm (picked up from the swimming pool no doubt) and what were a few pink bits here and there have exploded into full dark red full foot cover since using the sprays and creams. Phone call to the GP inevitable. Nae sleep due to constant itching is the worst though. :(

Edited by Hedgecutter
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Never try fucking about with a melting candle. I did this earlier and ended up with wax all over a Christmas top, my hands and face, I looked like the Singing fucking Detective. My eye still fucking nips.

'Money shot' pics or GTF...
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Never try fucking about with a melting candle. I did this earlier and ended up with wax all over a Christmas top, my hands and face, I looked like the Singing fucking Detective. My eye still fucking nips.

Mmmm, demands Rowan posts pictures of her chebs then pours hot wax over himself.....

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