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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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One of my molars finally fell apart a year or two back, but the dentist managed to salvage the remains after three attempts. The annoying thing is that the reformed tooth catches food between it and the next one in; first time I've ever had food get stuck between my teeth, and it's driving me mental. Even worse - the edge is quite sharp, so it shreds any floss that goes near it.

Finally decided to whinge about this because my overgrown moustache somehow just got caught in the crevice :bairn

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Waiting on a takeaway. Does my head in.

Waiting on your Mrs getting ready so you can go out for dinner.

1. Leave Miley's missus alone, Bert; he's suffered enough.

2. Both problems solved in one easy comic strip.

(don't click on that, BTW; definitely not suitable for public consumption)

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For some reason my bank (Clydesdale Bank) seem to have locked access to my credit card for online purchases, but I can still use it out and about. Can't even speak to someone about it until tomorrow. Pain in the arse.

Edited by Gaz
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As if the first day back to work after 4 weeks off wasn't bad enough. Two car collision means traffic gridlock and a 15min bus journey has so far taken 90 mins and I'm still no where near my destination

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As if the first day back to work after 4 weeks off wasn't bad enough. Two car collision means traffic gridlock and a 15min bus journey has so far taken 90 mins and I'm still no where near my destination

You'll have to give morning smoko a miss!

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