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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Are you having In Law troubles Swarley?

How could you tell?

They are lovely people but when people stay with you for an extended period of time then all their little quirks and habits begin to grate on your sole.

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How could you tell?

They are lovely people but when people stay with you for an extended period of time then all their little quirks and habits begin to grate on your sole.

My mother in law said to me, 'you hated me from the moment that we met, why was that?'

I told her that it saved time.

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Old people and cups of tea. One as soon as they wake up, another an hour later with breakfast, one at lunch, one at 3pm, another about 7pm and a final one for the road before bed. No wonder incontinence is common in the elderly

6 cups of tea a day? Fucking lightweights. I need that before I can leave the house in the morning.

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How could you tell?

They are lovely people but when people stay with you for an extended period of time then all their little quirks and habits begin to grate on your sole.

My outlaws (ha!) stayed for a week after the bairn was born and were meant to be helping out, cleaning after said child and relatives was rather annoying.

Couldn't fill / empty the dishwasher but can stack dirty dishes in the sink. The kitchen light was never turned off, just down.

Any time the wee man needed fed or cleaned he was passed straight back.

Wouldn't make themselves tea / coffee despite being told we don't mind if they help themselves. Quite frankly it was more a hindrance than a help.

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My outlaws (ha!) stayed for a week after the bairn was born and were meant to be helping out, cleaning after said child and relatives was rather annoying.

Couldn't fill / empty the dishwasher but can stack dirty dishes in the sink. The kitchen light was never turned off, just down.

Any time the wee man needed fed or cleaned he was passed straight back.

Wouldn't make themselves tea / coffee despite being told we don't mind if they help themselves. Quite frankly it was more a hindrance than a help.

Ooh, the stories I could tell.

Sadly, the wife has a P&B account.

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Apparently I made an extra £5K during the tax year of 2012/13 and owe roughly £660 extra in tax. I wouldn't mind, only I didn't earn that money.

Decided to phone up to resolve it, but was beaten to submission by the incredibly annoying "wait" jingle.

Funny that. Exactly the same happened to me and someone else I know. Phoned up, persevered and ended up with a new tax notice reducing it from £5k to £200.

HMRC at it?

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