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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Can you do that? Just ask for an MOT/Check Up?

(Haven't seen a Dr in years)

Depends upon the GP you're registered with I guess. When I was registered up in Perthshire I used to have one done every year.......just bloods taken, pressure checked, etc

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We are going to Belfast in a couple of weeks, but at the end of the day, I know that an overnight stay away isn't going to drastically alter the shitstorm which has basically taken over life at the minute.

Fair enough, man. It's nice to have those things to look forward to when wee things are getting you down but they may not get you through more pressing issues.

Hope you feel better about stuff sooner rather than later.

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Writing a report on cavitation and I come up with a witty title (Beware, The Bubble's Burst!), then the lecturer tells me I'm not taking it seriously enough #noswag

Just had to Google what 'Cavitation' is.

Your title was good. Your lecturer sounds like a joyless husk of a person with a soul suffering from cavitation.

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I thought I was traversing the depths of despair and a chasm of irritation as I heard an old man whistling in the uniquely annoying manner only their ilk can. It was a short tune repeated over and over. And fucking over.

You see I was on the bus and I feared this dusty old c**t had got on and was to torment me for the whole journey. Luckily it transpired that he was just at the bus stop (where the bus had stopped) and the relief broke upon me like a tsunami when the doors closed and it pulled away.

But it was a close one.

^^^Bus w****r
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When anyone from the British isles says 'asshole' as opposed to 'arsehole'. When it's typed it's even worse. It sounds like an American kid saying his first swear word.

On a similar level, when Scottish people say 'shit' rather than 'shite'.

I also hate it when it's emphasised in an English accent, e.g. shouts lile "your support is f***ing shit!". It just sounds utterly shite imo.

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Back to the zero spacial awareness people. .....

Walked away from bar to toilet. Left pint and paper on bar. Plenty of space at bar and you come back and some muppet is getting served exactly where your drink is......when get to bar, have a look. If you see pint and paper assume someone in toilet or out for smoke and stand somewhere else - Ya Bam

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What is it the makes people like this? Who are you trying to impress ffs.

The boss.

"Look Sir! I was on time today, Sir! D.A.F.C.'s been bad, Sir, can I have his shifts please Sir?"

I'm sorry to say the only solution is murder. My thoughts are with you.

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I'm waiting for a tandoori mixed grill being delivered.

I ken you're not down with the PC lobby, Sarge, but that's no way to refer to your Punjabi escorts.

Show some respect.

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5th of March would do me! I'm only after an MOT but they insist that you can't make appointments in advance and that you phone on the day.........can see why people like myself that are generally in good health don't fcuking bother!

That's pretty common these days. Stretched resources 'n' that. I think it helps with people not showing up to longstanding appointments too, which is a big problem for them. Seems to work pretty well at our surgery, so long as you don't mind which doctor you see, but we're pretty lucky in that all of our GPs are good c***s. I've been registered at surgeries before when there was one doctor who was worth seeing, but you'd try and dinghy the others even if you'd just had your leg hacked off.

My favourite was the weirdo who would literally yell at everyone for being overweight, no matter the complaint or whether or not they were actually fat. You could hear the mentalist through the walls in the waiting room. He eventually disappeared when it turned out he'd been asking the female patients out on dates. I know this because he apparently gave my mother a lecture about how he'd been told to break off his romantic relationships with patients, and that she was going to have to see one of the other doctors from then on as she'd been one of them. He'd never even propositioned her, but obviously couldn't remember who he'd been seeing :lol:

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Finishing a gorgeous bacon sandwich, but there's no more bacon to make another one.

I had two earlier, with a slice of cheese and lashings of broon sauce. Lovely stuff.
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